Operating Systems (Fall 2015)

From Soma-notes

Course Outline

Here is the course outline for COMP 3000: Operating Systems.

Lectures and Exams

Note that the topics below are primarily chapters from the class textbook, Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces. Note that while introductory and summary dialogues are not linked below, they are worth reading for an informal take on the material.



Sept. 2

Lecture 1: Introduction

Sept. 9

Lecture 2: (Video only) Processes, Process API

Sept. 11

Lecture 3: (Video only) Limited Direct Execution

Sept. 16

Lecture 4: CPU Scheduling, MLFQ

Sept. 18

Lecture 5: Lottery Scheduling, Multi-CPU scheduling

Sept. 23

Lecture 6: Address Spaces, Memory API

Sept. 25

Lecture 7: Address Translation, Segmentation

Sept. 30

Lecture 8: Free space management, Paging

Oct. 2

Lecture 9: Concurrency and Threads, Locks

Oct. 7

Lecture 10: Concurrent Data Structures, Thread API

Oct. 9

Lecture 11: Condition Variables, Semaphores, Concurrency Problems

Oct. 14

Lecture 12: Test 1 Review

Oct. 16

Test 1 (in class)

Oct. 21

Lecture 13: TLBs, Smaller Tables

Oct. 23

Lecture 14: TBA

Nov. 4

Lecture 15: Hard Disk Drives, File and Directories

Nov. 6

Lecture 16: FSCK and Journaling

Nov. 11

Lecture 17: I/O Devices

Nov. 13

Lecture 18: File System Implementation, FFS

Nov. 18

Lecture 19: Test 2 Review

Nov. 20

Test 2 (in class)

Nov. 25

Lecture 20: Distributed Systems, Swapping: Mechanisms, Swapping: Policies

Nov. 27

Lecture 21: NFS, AFS (optional readings)

Dec. 2

Lecture 22: TBA

Dec. 4

Lecture 23: TBA