Mobile Application Development (Winter 2022)

From Soma-notes

Course Outline

Here is the course outline for COMP 1601: Introduction to Mobile Application Development.

Lectures & Tests



Jan. 12

Lecture 1

Jan. 14

Lecture 2

Jan. 19

Lecture 3

Jan. 21

Lecture 4

Jan. 26

Lecture 5

Jan. 28

Lecture 6

Feb. 2

Lecture 7

Feb. 4

Lecture 8

Feb. 9

Lecture 9

Feb. 11

Lecture 10

Feb. 16

Lecture 11

Feb. 18

Lecture 12

Mar. 2

Lecture 13: Midterm Review

Mar. 4

Midterm Exam

Mar. 9

Lecture 14

Mar. 11

Lecture 15

Mar. 16

Lecture 16

Mar. 18

Lecture 17

Mar. 23

Lecture 18

Mar. 25

Lecture 19

Mar. 30

Lecture 20

Apr. 1

Lecture 21

Apr. 6

Lecture 22

Apr. 8

Lecture 23

Apr. 14, 2-4 PM

Final Exam


Tutorials are graded based on participation. No written work needs to be submitted; instead, you should get checked off by showing your work to the instructor or TA, either during the group work portion of class or during office hours.

To get full marks for a tutorial you don't have to have completed all of the work; however, you should have made a reasonable attempt at it. Note that your detailed knowledge of the material will not be tested; however, if you do not learn the material covered in the tutorials you will find the assignments to be much harder than they should be. Please make sure you complete the relevant tutorials before attempting any associated assignments.

Tutorials should be completed within a week of being assigned. You shouldn't get more than one tutorial behind. Thus if we are discussing Tutorial 3, you can still get checked off for Tutorial 2 but not Tutorial 1 (unless there are significant and reasonable extenuating circumstances).



Jan. 12-14

Tutorial 1

Jan. 19-21

Tutorial 2

Jan. 26-28

Tutorial 3

Feb. 2-4

Tutorial 4

Feb. 9-11

Tutorial 5

Feb. 16-18

Tutorial 6

Mar. 9-11

Tutorial 7

Mar. 16-18

Tutorial 8

Mar. 23-25

Tutorial 9

Mar. 30-Apr. 1

Tutorial 10


Due Date


Feb. 3

Assignment 1

Feb. 18

Assignment 2

Mar. 23

Assignment 3

Apr. 8

Assignment 4