Mobile App Development 2022W Lecture 13

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Video from the lecture given on March 2, 2022 is now available:

Video is also available through Brightspace (Resources->Zoom Meetings (Recordings, etc.)->Cloud Recordings tab). Note that here you'll also see chat messages.


Lecture 13
Midterm is on friday during class time
 - open book/Internet, open note, just no collaboration
 - you'll have 80 minutes
    may give a bit of flexibility
 - same format as assignments
    - there will be a validator
 - based on assignments 1 & 2
    - so mostly tutorials 1-4
 - I will be available through zoom
    - classroom zoom
 - I'll also be checking teams
    - you can DM me on Teams or join the zoom
 - you do *not* need to be on zoom, only join if you have a question
 - interview sign ups will be posted next week once the exam is graded
    - excel spreadsheet on Teams
    - you can volunteer and just sign up
    - or, I will ask some of you to sign up (random/targeted)

Assignment 1 grading is done, I just haven't reviewed and posted
 - my fault, Yaqing is on the job
 - will post after class

No more coding than on the assignments, mostly less
 - should know to read & explain code more

Exam should be doable in the time period if you understand the material
 - there won't be enough time for you to do lots of experiments or
   to look things up online
   - note this class is pretty un-googleable