Mobile App Development 2022W Lecture 10
Video from the lecture given on February 11, 2022 is now available:
Video is also available through Brightspace (Resources->Zoom Meetings (Recordings, etc.)->Cloud Recordings tab). Note that here you'll also see chat messages.
Lecture 10 ---------- introduce Assignment 2 continue with Tutorial 5 Go ahead and download android studio before next Wednesday - give it time to run and update itself Plain text files can have different line endings - CR, \r <--- old MacOS (like, really old) - LF, \n <--- Linux, UNIX, modern macOS - CR+LF, \r\n <--- windows When you have a controller in Storyboard that can send events, those events are received by functions that are marked with "@IBAction" - you then have to connect the function to the correct storyboard outlet for the sent event AnalysisResult view in textanalyzer-2 corresponds to updateAnalysis in textanalyzer-3. - updateAnalysis is called in three places - when the first view is displayed - when the user types anything into the input field - when a menu item is selected - but, when is AnalysisResult called? - it is run whenever it needs to be, automatically - it will run when Contentview is put on the screen (because AnalysisResult is included), and it will run whenever mode and userInput change - i.e., when a menu item is selected and when a user types - but these calls are implicit, not explicit, we don't have to put them in manually, they just happen Remember, in SwiftUI, when a @State variable changes, any views dependent on those state variables are automatically updated (i.e., their code is re-run) When you have to do updates manually, it is very easy to skip or to do the wrong ones - then your interface is stale, doesn't reflect the underlying app state - leads to lots of bugs That's why the modern way is to do things more declaratively - tell the system what the screen looks like based on data - the framework figures out when the screen needs to be updated based on changes to designated data @State variables are the actual "state" @Binding variables are references to @State variables - essentially pointers/call by reference @State variables are really objects under the hood which do extra work whenever the object's properties are read from or written to - the set's and get's are overridden with extra functionality