Operating Systems (Fall 2015)

From Soma-notes

Course Outline

Here is the course outline for COMP 3000: Operating Systems.

Lectures and Exams

Note that the topics below are primarily chapters from the class textbook, Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces. Note that while introductory and summary dialogues are not linked below, they are worth reading for an informal take on the material.

Note assigned readings are subject to change, please check this page each week.



Sept. 2

Lecture 1: Introduction

Sept. 9

Lecture 2: (Video only) Processes, Process API

Sept. 16

Lecture 3: Limited Direct Execution, CPU Scheduling, MLFQ

Sept. 18

Lecture 4: Address Spaces, Memory API

Sept. 23

Lecture 5: Hard Disk Drives, File and Directories

Sept. 25

Lecture 6: I/O Devices, FSCK and Journaling

Sept. 30

Lecture 7

Oct. 2

Lecture 8: File System Implementation

Oct. 7

Lecture 9 (first half), Test 1 (in class)

Oct. 9

Lecture 10: Concurrency and Threads, Locks,

Oct. 14

Lecture 11: Address Translation, TLBs

Oct. 16

Lecture 12: Segmentation, Free space management, Paging

Oct. 21

Lecture 13: TBA

Oct. 23

Lecture 14: TBA

Nov. 4

Lecture 15: TBA

Nov. 6

Lecture 16: TBA

Nov. 11

Lecture 17: TBA

Nov. 13

Lecture 18: TBA

Nov. 18

Lecture 19: Test 2 Review

Nov. 20

Test 2 (in class)

Nov. 25

Lecture 20: TBA

Nov. 27

Lecture 21: TBA

Dec. 2

Lecture 22: TBA

Dec. 4

Lecture 23: TBA

Other chapters: Lottery Scheduling, Multi-CPU scheduling, Concurrent Data Structures, Thread API, Condition Variables, Semaphores, Concurrency Problems, Smaller Tables , FFS, Distributed Systems, Swapping: Mechanisms, Swapping: Policies, NFS, AFS


Each week you will get a progress grade from 0-4, given to you by a TA. If you are being diligent, you should be able to get 4's every week. The easiest way to get your grade is to come to tutorial and meet with your TA; alternately, you can meet a TA in their office hours or, at their discretion, discuss things with them online.



Sept. 18,22

UNIX Introduction

Sept. 25, 29

Device files, filesystems, and kernel modules

Oct. 2, 6

kernel modules and using the source

Oct. 9, 13

Filesystem concurrency

Oct. 16, 20


Oct. 23, Nov. 3


Nov. 6, 10


Nov. 13, 17


Nov. 20, 24


Nov. 27, Dec. 1


Dec. 4, 8

Project help


Due Date


Sept. 23

Assignment 1

Sept. 30

Assignment 2

Oct. 6

Assignment 3

Oct. 21

Assignment 4

Nov. 4

Assignment 5

Nov. 11

Assignment 6

Nov. 18

Assignment 7

Nov. 25

Assignment 8

Course Software

In this course we will primarily working with Ubuntu, a widely-used family of Linux distributions. We will be using its Lubuntu variant in Virtualbox earlier in the term; later on we will transition to using Ubuntu Server on the SCS's Openstack installation (accessible only from the Carleton network).

You may use other Linux distributions to complete the assigned work and do your project; there will be differences, however, in some aspects (such as installing software), particularly if you use a distribution not based on Ubuntu or Debian.

Using Virtualbox in the labs

In the SCS labs you should be able to run the course VM by starting Virtualbox (listed in the Applications menu) and selecting the COMP 2406/3000 virtual machine image. After the VM has fully booted you will be automatically logged into the student account; this account has admin privileges and its password is "tneduts!".

We highly recommend running your VM in full-screen mode (select from the menu, not by maximizing the window). Do all of your work inside of the VM; it should be fast enough and you won't have any issues with sharing files or with firewalls/network connectivity.

You can save the work you do from the course VM (in the student account) to your SCS account and restore it to any other copy of the class VM (on your machines or in the labs) by running using the following commands:

 save3000 <SCS username>
 restore3000 <SCS username>
 compare3000 <SCS username>

If you use these commands, use them consistently. That means run restore3000 when you first log in, and run save3000 just before logging out. If you don't do this, you will erase the work that you had done previously when you save.

If you forgot to restore and you want to save, try running this:

  rsync -a -v --progress ~/ <SCS username>@access.scs.carleton.ca:COMP3000/

This is the same as the save3000 command minus the options (--delete and --force) that deletes files in the destination that don't exist in the source. As a check, you may want to add the -n option to do a dry run.

Running the Virtualbox VM on your own machines

If you want to run the VM appliance on your own system (running essentially any desktop operating system you want), just download the virtual appliance file and import. The SHA1 hash of this file is:

   a8a70ec2e1b49699f4de29c872ecec7cee21888f COMP 2406 & 3000, Fall 2015.ova

On Windows you can compute this hash for your downloaded file using the command FCIV -sha1 COMP 2406-3000 Fall 2014.ova. If the hash is different from above, your download has been corrupted.

If the application is not VirtualBox, you'll need to:

  • Have the VM platform ignore any errors in the structure of the appliance found during the import process;
  • Uninstall the VirtualBox guest additions by typing starting a terminal application and running
  sudo apt-get purge virtualbox-guest-x11 virtualbox-guest-utils
  • Install your platform's own Linux guest additions, if available.