
From Soma-notes
Revision as of 17:17, 17 March 2011 by Slyons (talk | contribs)
  • (TK) How can we observe the information that we, our computer or ourselves, provide the "network" or public is not going to be maliciously used?
    • (TK) One point that was discussed in class was the idea of a digital fingerprint. Is this really feasible? and how would it work?
    • (HS) One way is to minimize what information you give away, or at least 'be aware' of what you are giving away. However, observability is not limited to just information that we send out. We are also looking for ways to observe contracts being fulfilled.
    • (HS) Also besides the fingerprinting, there is no guarantee that once your information goes to a party that you want with any fingerprint mechanism or security measure, once they have it decrypted, you can't (assuming they are not caught) stop them from passing the information on.
  • (SL) What is and is not feasibly observable?
  • (SL) What kinds of observations are there? Are we strictly talking about observations without any humans involved at all?

Pages in category "2011-Observability"

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