Mobile Application Development (Winter 2021)

From Soma-notes

Course Outline

Here is the course outline for COMP 1601: Introduction to Mobile Application Development.

Lectures & Tests



Jan. 11

Lecture 1

Jan. 13

Lecture 2

Jan. 18

Lecture 3

Jan. 20

Lecture 4

Jan. 25

Lecture 5

Jan. 27

Lecture 6

Feb. 1

Lecture 7

Feb. 3

Lecture 8

Feb. 8

Lecture 9

Feb. 10

Lecture 10

Feb. 22

Lecture 11

Feb. 24

Lecture 12

Mar. 1

Lecture 13: Midterm Review

Mar. 3

Midterm Exam (solutions)

Mar. 8

Lecture 14

Mar. 10

Lecture 15

Mar. 15

Lecture 16

Mar. 17

Lecture 17

Mar. 22

Lecture 18

Mar. 24

Lecture 19

Mar. 29

Lecture 20

Mar. 31

Lecture 21

Apr. 5

Lecture 22

Apr. 7

Lecture 23

Apr. 12

Lecture 24

Apr. 23, 2 PM

Final Exam




Jan. 18-20

Tutorial 1

Jan. 25-27

Tutorial 2

Feb. 1-3

Tutorial 3

Feb. 8-10

Tutorial 4

Feb. 22-24

Tutorial 5

Mar. 8-10

Tutorial 6

Mar. 15-17

Tutorial 7

Mar. 22-24

Tutorial 8

Mar. 29-31

Tutorial 9

Apr. 5-7

Tutorial 10 (optional)


Due Date


Feb. 5

Assignment 1

Feb. 26

Assignment 2

Mar. 28

Assignment 3

Apr. 12

Assignment 4

Participation Grades

For each class, you can get participation grade of 0, 1, or 2. If you didn't participate, you get a zero. If you were present and participated in at least one poll or asked a question, you get a 1. (Poll participation should happen before or during class, not afterwards.) If you make a significant contribution to class discussion (you make a comment or ask a question that contributes to the learning of other students) you get a 2.

You should mostly expect to get 1's if you attend class, and if you get 1's for almost all of the classes you'll get an A for participation. The 2's are there to reward valuable contributions and to incentivize participation that helps others in the class.