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21 January 2025

N    23:04  EvoSec 2025W Lecture 5‎‎ 2 changes history +4,728 [Soma‎ (2×)]
23:04 (cur | prev) +4,523 Soma talk contribs
16:35 (cur | prev) +205 Soma talk contribs (Created page with "==Discussion Questions== * What parts of the papers were not clear to you? * What was the trust model of BOINC & OceanStore? * Do we currently use systems that are like BOINC & OceanStore? Why or why not?")

18 January 2025

N    06:36  COMP3000 Operating Systems W25: Tutorial 3 diffhist +7,574 Lianyingzhao talk contribs (Created page with "In this tutorial, you will be experimenting with and extending [ 3000shell.c], a proof-of-concept program to show you how a Linux shell works. Also, 3000shell's source code will be used as the basis for further modifications in upcoming assignments. ==General Instructions (same for all tutorials)== <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"> Click on Expand to view. <div class="mw-collapsible-conte...")

16 January 2025

     21:08  Evolutionary Security: Winter 2025‎‎ 4 changes history +912 [Soma‎ (4×)]
21:08 (cur | prev) 0 Soma talk contribs (→‎Class Schedule (Readings & Notes))
21:08 (cur | prev) +527 Soma talk contribs (→‎January 23, 2025)
21:07 (cur | prev) +283 Soma talk contribs (→‎January 21, 2025)
21:06 (cur | prev) +102 Soma talk contribs (→‎Class Schedule (Readings & Notes))
N    21:06  EvoSec 2025W Lecture 4‎‎ 2 changes history +3,742 [Soma‎ (2×)]
21:06 (cur | prev) +3,499 Soma talk contribs (→‎Notes)
16:34 (cur | prev) +243 Soma talk contribs (Created page with "==Discussion Questions== * What did you not understand in the readings? Specifically, what biological terms/concepts would you like to learn more about? * How applicable are these readings to computational systems, in your opinion? ==Notes==")
 m   04:08  COMP3000 Operating Systems W25: Downloading files from your Openstack VM‎‎ 4 changes history +994 [Lianyingzhao‎ (4×)]
04:08 (cur | prev) +283 Lianyingzhao talk contribs
04:06 (cur | prev) +20 Lianyingzhao talk contribs (→‎Using rsync)
04:05 (cur | prev) +13 Lianyingzhao talk contribs (→‎Using scp (without Carleton VPN))
04:04 (cur | prev) +678 Lianyingzhao talk contribs
 m   03:51  COMP3000 Operating Systems W25: Openstack Instructions diffhist +26 Lianyingzhao talk contribs
 m   03:50  COMP3000 Operating Systems 2025W‎‎ 2 changes history −9 [Lianyingzhao‎ (2×)]
03:50 (cur | prev) +3 Lianyingzhao talk contribs Tag: Manual revert
03:50 (cur | prev) −12 Lianyingzhao talk contribs

15 January 2025

N    16:48  EvoSec 2025W Lecture 3 diffhist +1,935 Soma talk contribs (Created page with "<pre> Lecture 3 --------- Perspectives on Trust G1 - waking up - do you trust that nothing bad will happen, or you just get up because you have to? - we can decouple, but can machines decouple trust from action? - continuous vs discrete trust - "levels of trust" - how does that affect actions G2 - game theory - prisoner's dilemma, agents are adversaries? where is the sociality of trust - not a full view - trust as black and white vs probability G3 -...")