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  • 03:25, 21 February 2025COMP3000 Operating Systems W25: Tutorial 6 (hist | edit) ‎[5,795 bytes]Lianyingzhao (talk | contribs) (Created page with "In this tutorial you will be learning about two implementations of the [ producer-consumer problem], a classic example of a concurrency problem. The [ class textbook] covers concurrency in great detail in Chapters 25-34, and the producer-consumer problem is covered in [ Chapter 30 (Condition Variables)] and [http://pages...")
  • 17:58, 6 February 2025EvoSec 2025W Lecture 11 (hist | edit) ‎[2,990 bytes]Soma (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<pre> Lecture 9 --------- What is entropy? (G1) - least diverse -> least entropy So maybe increasing entropy (disorder) would increase security? - multiple kinds of software, hosts, etc But that seems chaotic and thus insecure? Entropy on a specific graph - hosts can have some number of vulns - edges represent the vulns a host has - cannot remove all edges by assumption - hosts always have some - increase entropy -> more disorder in edges Adding new kinds of s...")
  • 16:36, 4 February 2025EvoSec 2025W Lecture 10 (hist | edit) ‎[1,922 bytes]Soma (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Discussion Questions== * What is the basic model behind both of these systems? Hint: focus on the figures! * What aspect(s) of security are these models capturing? What are they missing? Today you'll be teaching the class, i.e., I'll be asking questions as if I don't understand things.")
  • 01:32, 31 January 2025EvoSec 2025W Lecture 9 (hist | edit) ‎[833 bytes]Soma (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Discussion Questions== * What is the basic model behind both of these systems? Hint: focus on the figures! * What aspect(s) of security are these models capturing? What are they missing?")
  • 16:26, 30 January 2025EvoSec 2025W Lecture 8 (hist | edit) ‎[4,061 bytes]Soma (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Discussion Questions== * How does Tierra work? Specifically, how does program control flow work, how do programs reproduce, and how do they die? * To what extent is Tierra a simple model of the computer security problem?")
  • 07:11, 30 January 2025COMP3000 Operating Systems W25: Tutorial 5 (hist | edit) ‎[9,417 bytes]Lianyingzhao (talk | contribs) (Created page with "In this tutorial you will be learning about files and filesystems by experimenting with and extending [ 3000test.c], and creating and manipulating local filesystems. '''WARNING:''' Several of the commands here can lead to system corruption and data loss if not properly used. You have been warned. Please use a VM and make backups, when necessary. ==General Instructions (same for all tutorials)== <d...")
  • 22:15, 28 January 2025EvoSec 2025W Lecture 7 (hist | edit) ‎[2,896 bytes]Soma (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<pre> Lecture 7 --------- SYMBIOSIS Biology questions - what seemed particularly confusing? - swallowing but not digesting? - eukaryotic vs prokaryotic cells - endosymbiosis - microtubules, basal body - how did prokaryotic cells cooperate? cells are encapsulated by membranes - polar/non-polar structures **--------- ^^^ a fat molecule in a membrane (phospolipid) the ** is the polar head, the ---- is the nonpolar body polar = has a bit of a charge nonpol...")
  • 05:22, 24 January 2025COMP3000 Operating Systems W25: Tutorial 4 (hist | edit) ‎[7,033 bytes]Lianyingzhao (talk | contribs) (Created page with "In this tutorial, you will learn about how user accounts are managed and how the login process works through exploring [ 3000userlogin.c]. You’ll also have a better understanding of the permission system and the shell/terminal environment. ==General Instructions (same for all tutorials)== <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"> Click on Expand to view. <div class="mw-collapsible-content">...")
  • 00:50, 24 January 2025EvoSec 2025W Lecture 6 (hist | edit) ‎[2,626 bytes]Soma (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<pre> Lecture 6 --------- - GFS & Chubby - trust & security - projects, set a schedule What is the problem they are solving? (Why were these built?) - for indexing the web! - i.e., download a copy of the web and process it - many web crawlers grabbing pages, images, etc and needing somewhere to store them Only way to make this work is to have LOTS of computers storing LOTS of data in parallel - how to coordinate? So in GFS, what is a file? - not a regular UNI...")
  • 16:35, 21 January 2025EvoSec 2025W Lecture 5 (hist | edit) ‎[4,728 bytes]Soma (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Discussion Questions== * What parts of the papers were not clear to you? * What was the trust model of BOINC & OceanStore? * Do we currently use systems that are like BOINC & OceanStore? Why or why not?")
  • 06:36, 18 January 2025COMP3000 Operating Systems W25: Tutorial 3 (hist | edit) ‎[7,574 bytes]Lianyingzhao (talk | contribs) (Created page with "In this tutorial, you will be experimenting with and extending [ 3000shell.c], a proof-of-concept program to show you how a Linux shell works. Also, 3000shell's source code will be used as the basis for further modifications in upcoming assignments. ==General Instructions (same for all tutorials)== <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"> Click on Expand to view. <div class="mw-collapsible-conte...")
  • 16:34, 16 January 2025EvoSec 2025W Lecture 4 (hist | edit) ‎[3,742 bytes]Soma (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Discussion Questions== * What did you not understand in the readings? Specifically, what biological terms/concepts would you like to learn more about? * How applicable are these readings to computational systems, in your opinion? ==Notes==")
  • 16:48, 15 January 2025EvoSec 2025W Lecture 3 (hist | edit) ‎[1,935 bytes]Soma (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<pre> Lecture 3 --------- Perspectives on Trust G1 - waking up - do you trust that nothing bad will happen, or you just get up because you have to? - we can decouple, but can machines decouple trust from action? - continuous vs discrete trust - "levels of trust" - how does that affect actions G2 - game theory - prisoner's dilemma, agents are adversaries? where is the sociality of trust - not a full view - trust as black and white vs probability G3 -...")
  • 22:12, 9 January 2025EvoSec 2025W Lecture 2 (hist | edit) ‎[6,498 bytes]Soma (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<pre> Lecture 2 --------- cooperation & trust in the context of evolution Darwinian evolution - population of individuals - reproduction w/ variation + selection life is a game of survival - if you don't survive you're dead your life is a resource for others - can help them live, achieve their goals so Darwinian evolution leads to "fight for survival" thinking - kinda sounds like the Internet today right? - only the secure survive The metaphors of computer s...")
  • 22:02, 9 January 2025EvoSec 2025W Lecture 1 (hist | edit) ‎[3,585 bytes]Soma (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<pre> Lecture 1 --------- Welcome to Evolutionary Security! - lectures are recorded, but that is just for private use - you'll have access, but they won't be public * Grading, expectations * What this course is about * My history - 1984: first computers (Atari 400, Apple //c, Apple IIgs) - 1989: AI - Medicine + computers? - 1990-1994: MIT - started as biology major, ended up a math major - took premed classes + CS classes (CS theory) - computational...")
  • 23:23, 8 January 2025COMP3000 Operating Systems W25: Tutorial 2 (hist | edit) ‎[10,108 bytes]Lianyingzhao (talk | contribs) (Created page with "In this tutorial, you will revisit the lifecyle of a program discussed in class, from source code, to an executable (binary image), and further to loading it into the address space. Then from a different angle, you can see when in execution, how the program (now a process) makes different types of calls to function, and how its memory is laid out. Meanwhile, we can also see how a programmer can make use of existing code (libraries). ==General Instructions (same for all...")
  • 07:09, 4 January 2025COMP3000 Operating Systems W25: Tutorial 1 (hist | edit) ‎[15,530 bytes]Lianyingzhao (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Note: this page's purpose is to host publicly available material linked from Brightspace. Please use Brightspace as the primary source of information to stay updated.''' This first tutorial will prepare you for subsequent tutorials. You will familiarize yourself with the OS environment and, in particular, learn the basics of command-line interaction in Linux (Ubuntu). ==General Instructions (same for all tutorials)== <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"> Click...")
  • 03:17, 4 January 2025COMP3000 Operating Systems W25: Downloading files from your Openstack VM (hist | edit) ‎[2,814 bytes]Lianyingzhao (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Note: this page's purpose is to host publicly available material linked from Brightspace. Please use Brightspace as the primary source of information to stay updated.''' You will need to transfer files between the Openstack VM and your own PC from time to time, for example, when submitting your tutorial/assignment work. As your laptop/desktop does not have a fixed IP the VM can connect to, it is always better to initiate the connection <b>from your PC to the VM</b>,...")
  • 04:17, 3 January 2025COMP3000 Operating Systems W25: Connecting to SCS Openstack (hist | edit) ‎[2,285 bytes]Lianyingzhao (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Note: this page's purpose is to host publicly available material linked from Brightspace. Please use Brightspace as the primary source of information to stay updated.''' If you want to access the openstack environment during a video call (or when watching a movie online), please do not leave the Carleton VPN connected. You may also want to avoid your personal online activities going through the VPN or just simply need more convenience. Here are some alternative optio...")
  • 19:03, 1 January 2025EvoSec 2025W: Course Outline (hist | edit) ‎[11,168 bytes]Soma (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Course Information== *'''Course Number:''' COMP 5900H/4900H *'''Term:''' Winter 2025 *'''Title:''' Evolutionary Security *'''Institution:''' Carleton University, School of Computer Science *'''Instructor:''' [ Anil Somayaji] (anil.somayaji at office hours by appointment *'''Lectures:''' Tues. and Thurs. 11:35-12:55 via online videoconferencing (see [ Brightspace] for the link), January 7-...")
  • 18:48, 1 January 2025Evolutionary Security: Winter 2025 (hist | edit) ‎[4,614 bytes]Soma (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Course Outline== Course outline for Evolutionary Security.")
  • 00:09, 31 December 2024COMP3000 Operating Systems W25: Openstack Instructions (hist | edit) ‎[1,663 bytes]Lianyingzhao (talk | contribs) (Created page with "You can create a VM instance on the [ SCS openstack] cluster for the tutorials, by doing the following: (obvious steps are skipped) # [ Connect to Carleton's VPN]. # Log in to [] # Most of you would need to refresh your SCS account to have the right entitlements for our course (or you may...")
  • 04:01, 27 December 2024COMP3000 Operating Systems 2025W (hist | edit) ‎[5,116 bytes]Lianyingzhao (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Note: this page's purpose is to host publicly available material linked from Brightspace. Please use Brightspace as the primary source of information to stay updated.''' ==Course Outline and Student Hours== Aside from the updated version in Brightspace, you can also find it [ here]. Note that only the Brightspace version will contain contact information of the TAs and student hours. Fo...")
  • 20:38, 10 December 2024WebFund 2024F Final Exam QA (hist | edit) ‎[1,494 bytes]Soma (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Video== Video from the December 10, 2024 review session is now available: * [ video] ==Notes== <pre> Final Q&A --------- Difference between cookies & sessions? - cookies are a mechanism provided by the browser - to send back data the server has stored in the client (the cookie) - sessions are a server-side concept for grouping multiple HTTP requests together (i...")
  • 19:04, 5 December 2024WebFund 2024F Lecture 23 (hist | edit) ‎[3,574 bytes]Soma (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Video== Video from the lecture for December 5, 2024 is now available: * [ video] * [ auto-generated captions] ==Notes== <pre> Lecture 23 ---------- Final exam - Dec. 12, 9 AM - will be on brightspace, same format as midterm - 2.5 hours, open book/internet but no AI...")
  • 00:32, 4 December 2024WebFund 2024F Lecture 22 (hist | edit) ‎[6,034 bytes]Soma (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Video== Video from the lecture for December 3, 2024 is now available: * [ video] * [ auto-generated captions] ==Notes== <pre> Lecture 22 ---------- Last class is Thursday - will go over Assignment 4 solutions then Assignment 4 is due Wednesday night - accepted until...")
  • 19:29, 28 November 2024WebFund 2024F Lecture 21 (hist | edit) ‎[4,478 bytes]Soma (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Video== Video from the lecture for November 28, 2024 is now available: * [ video] * [ auto-generated captions] ==Notes== <pre> Lecture 21 ---------- Web Security What are the goals of computer security? - confidentiality, integrity, availability (CIA) - (entity authe...")
  • 19:33, 26 November 2024WebFund 2024F Lecture 20 (hist | edit) ‎[864 bytes]Soma (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Video== Video from the lecture for November 26, 2024 is now available: * [ video] * [ auto-generated captions] ==Notes== <pre> Lecture 20 ---------- - Assignment 3 solutions posted - Assignment 4 is out Today we'll go through assignment 3 solutions and go through key...")
  • 00:29, 25 November 2024WebFund 2024F: Assignment 4 (hist | edit) ‎[33,547 bytes]Soma (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Please submit the answers to the following questions via Brightspace by December 3, 2024. There are 20 points in 9 questions. Submit your answers as a plain text file following the standard format for filename and file contents. Please make sure to use your correct student ID number otherwise your grades may not be properly recorded. '''Please solve each question rather than look up their answers. Solutions where the answer was found through an online search or answere...")
  • 14:40, 22 November 2024WebFund 2024F: Tutorial 9 (hist | edit) ‎[2,157 bytes]Soma (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''This tutorial is not yet finalized.''' In this tutorial you will be playing with [ freshdemo], the demo application of [ Deno's Fresh framework]. Note that you do not need to download the code here, just follow the steps below. ==Getting Started== * Run the following command: <tt>deno run -A -r</tt>. Name your project "freshdemo" and say yes to usin...")
  • 19:16, 21 November 2024WebFund 2024F Lecture 19 (hist | edit) ‎[3,672 bytes]Soma (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Video== Video from the lecture for November 21, 2024 is now available: * [ video] * [ auto-generated captions] ==Notes== <pre> Lecture 19 ---------- * Assignment 3 was officially due yesterday but is being accepted until Saturday evening. * I will go over solutions for...")
  • 19:38, 19 November 2024WebFund 2024F Lecture 18 (hist | edit) ‎[9,543 bytes]Soma (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Video== '''Video is still processing''' Video from the lecture for November 19, 2024 is now available: * [ video] * [ auto-generated captions] ==Notes== <pre> Lecture 18 ---------- Lecture will start at 12:35, will go to 1:55 PM (one hour late, as announced on Teams)...")
  • 22:52, 14 November 2024WebFund 2024F: Tutorial 8 (hist | edit) ‎[26,018 bytes]Soma (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''This tutorial is not yet finalized.''' ==Code== [ Download] ===authdemo.js=== <syntaxhighlight lang="javascript" line> <syntaxhighlight> ===authdb.js=== <syntaxhighlight lang="javascript" line> <syntaxhighlight> ===templates.js=== <syntaxhighlight lang="javascript" line> <syntaxhighlight> ===static/index.html=== <syntaxhighlight lang="html" line> <syntaxhighlight> ===s...")
  • 20:03, 14 November 2024WebFund 2024F Lecture 17 (hist | edit) ‎[3,668 bytes]Soma (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Video== Video from the lecture for November 14, 2024 is now available: * [ video] * [ auto-generated captions] ==Notes== <pre> Lecture 17 ---------- - Assignment 2 grades are mostly out - if you submitted late or there was a formatting issue, still need to clean tha...")
  • 22:59, 12 November 2024WebFund 2024F Lecture 16 (hist | edit) ‎[5,675 bytes]Soma (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Video== Video from the lecture for November 12, 2024 is now available: * [ video] * [ auto-generated captions] ==Notes== <pre> Lecture 16 ---------- - midterm is being graded, should hopefully be done by end of the week - Assignment 2 should finally be uploaded later...")