Operating Systems 2017F Lecture 18
Additional Notes
Lec 18
- More on filesystems
- How can you recover a fs and how do you delete a file?
A filesystem is a:
- Persistent data structure
- Stored in fixed size blocks (at least 512 bytes in size)
- Maps hierarchical filenames to file contents
- Has metadata about files somehow
What's in a filesystem
- data blocks
- metadata blocks, you need someway to find the blocks
How do you organize metadata?
First identify basic characteristics of the filesystem
You need a "superblock" which is a "summary" block that tells you about everything else
Normally the superblock is the first block of the filesystem
In the superblock
- Type of filesystem
- What filesystem magic number is there
- file command to know file type
- What filesystem magic number is there
- Size of the filesystem
- How the filesystem is organized
- Where can I find the rest of the metadata
He opened a .jpg as a binary file to show us the magic number in a file, first several bytes identify type of file. Kernel does not care about file extension. Userspace programs may care about the extension.
POSIX is a standard for UNIX
For POSIX filesystems
- File metadata is stored in INODES
- most have pre-reserved inodes
Usenet is a worldwide distribute discussion system that is deprecated now because it could not handle the spam people uploaded into it, lol.