COMP 3000 Distribution Sign-up 2011

From Soma-notes

Sign up for the distribution you want to report on here. Note that others are also editing this page so verify that the page hasn't been mangled after you make your changes. To help with this, try to only edit the section for the appropriate alphabet range (e.g., Ubuntu should go under T-V).

Note that no more than two people may sign up for each distribution. Please sign up with your wiki name (which, generally, should be the same as your connect username). See Distrowatch to see what distributions are out there. Also, search for types of operating system distributions.

Please do not sign up for a major distribution. This includes but is not limited to the major distributions listed by Distrowatch. Pick out something specialized and obscure! If in doubt, please email the instructors and TAs.

Example entry:

Distributions A-D

Alpine Linux:

BackTrack: dcarson, amurphy7

CAINE Linux: nyoung2

Chromium OS(Chrome OS): baathari, dneray

CrunchBang: drewmartin


Damn Small Linux: MartyV

Damn Vulnerable Linux:


Distributions E-H

Funtoo: porter.nicolas


Haiku: nhoda, thildebr

Hannah Montana Linux:

Distributions I-M

Incognito Live System: bwernik

Inquisitor: atchekan

Joli OS (Jolicloud): nkathrad tsukasa19

Liberté Linux: Murals

Lightweight Portable Security: jeckhard


Linux Mangaka One: AsoCchahal

Lunar Linux: rwolfe, qliu1

MenuetOS: Caesar, Vangelis(San4o Pan4o)

Legacy OS:rnyssanb

Distributions N-P

Parted Magic:


Privatix Live-System: gbooth, sbrett

Puppy Linux: mwooff, jnrahme

PinguyOS: ssivara

Poseidon Linux: 36chambers

PC-BSD : todetoyi

PinguyOS: uramazan

Distributions Q-S



Swift Linux: mabadeer, Yliu11

SalineOS: drhill

Source Mage: deadlytea

StressLinux: achaddad


Distributions T-V

TAILS: Khorrus

TCCBOOT: TinyCC Boot Loader:

Tiny Core Linux: aadegbem

ttylinux: kmacmart

Vector: judethedude,Lkuate

Distributions X-Z

Zentyal: cyu3

ZeroShell: bvardal

Zorin: awillman, jboucha2

XBMC: awallac1, ketsiagb

Xubuntu: ernibek, Komarova