WebFund 2024F Lecture 11

From Soma-notes


Video from the lecture for October 15, 2024 is now available:


Lecture 11

Agenda for today
 - answer questions on A2
    - solutions will be discussed on Thursday
 - begin review of first half of class by going through tutorials 1-4
    - will continue on Thursday

Remember A2 is due tomorrow evening
 - but is accepted until just before class on Thursday

Midterm is on October 29th
 - Tuesday after the break
 - through an "Assignment" on Brightspace
   - exact same submission format as assignments
   - will be a posted PDF on Brightspace, not on the wiki
   - by default will be only during class time
     - but will have extra time for PMC students or others who can't make
       the time due to other conflicts
 - I handle PMC accommodations, expect me to contact you over the break

We've started grading A1
 - probably won't be done by Thursday
 - hoping to have A1 & A2 graded before the midterm

One thing to note about answers - we are seeing many people with poor verification/method answers. Those won't get marks. Please look at the solutions to get an idea of my expectations.
 - make sure to EXPLAIN, which generally means a mix of code snippets and explanation text. Be sure to report on the details of experiments you did so we could potentially replicate what you did.

On Assignment 2
 - Q8, a valid date means just that
    - "December" is not a valid date
    - "Last year" is not a valid date
    - "October 15, 2024" is a valid date
    - "10/15/2024" is a valid date
and so on.

Date validation is a HARD PROBLEM
 - don't write your own solution
 - find one that works well enough
 - you can use an outside library, but better to use things included

Your date format can be very restrictive, it doesn't have to be general
 - but you should then probably adjust the interface to make these restrictions clear

Any answer asking "how would I" should be detailed enough that someone reading it could easily code a solution
 - so you probably want code fragments
 - but also with explanations for the code fragments, what they do

TAs will be having their office hours and tutorials this week
 - T3 & T4 checkoffs must be finished by the end of tomorrow
 - TAs will be around to answer questions you have on the material, T5

A static server just means that it serves files rather than code-generated content.

dynamic content is generated by code, generally by looking things up in a database.