WebFund 2024F Lecture 10

From Soma-notes


Video from the lecture for October 10, 2024 is now available:


Lecture 10
Today: Assignment 1 solutions & Tutorial 5

I forgot to put up the A2 validator & template, will upload after class

There are no late penalties for assignments submitted after the deadline but before submissions close. Once submissions close, assignments will only be accepted if there were previously agreed to circumstances (or really extenuating circumstances).

When answering assignments, I expect you to give details about the experiments you ran. You may get different answers than I did - if you describe the experiment we can determine why you might have gotten a different answer.

Regarding grading
 - I'm going to split up the assignments today/tomorrow, get them to the TAs
 - they will hopefully get them graded quickly, but I can't guarantee things will be graded before A2 is submitted
 - you should have both A1 and A2 graded before the midterm

Just expect a point grade for your answers, there won't be question-specific feedback.
 - if you don't agree with the marking, you can talk to a TA or me about any question

It sounds like some of you missed marks because you didn't fully read the questions.

What is JSON?
 - "JavaScript Object Notation"
 - so it is basically the syntax of JavaScript objects
 - but a slightly more restrictive version of JavaScript object syntax is used
   as JSON as a general data interchange format nowadays

So why are we using databases?
 - stores data that should be saved
    - "persistent data"
    - written to the filesystem so that when the server restarts the data
      isn't lost
 - we communicate with databases with SQL (generally)