SystemsSec 2016W Lecture 15

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The two assigned readings for this class were analysed in small groups to determine which sections should be discussed, then the class had an open discussion on each section.

Paper: On the effectiveness of address-space randomization

  • What is PaX?
    • patches put together to harden Linux
    • Mainline kernel has adopted the address space layout randomization (ASLR) mechanism
  • Pool of entropy is used to decide where to load sections of executable
  • Executables are in the ELF format, consisting of different sections. Each section can be loaded into different areas of memory
  • for Intel x86 you get 16 bits of entropy for ASLR
    • Its not enough since it doesn't take long to try 32,000 tries
  • 24 bits of ASLR entropy is 16 million
    • still possible to brute force
  • When any of the three delta (randomization) variables are leaked/stolen it's trivial for the attacker to know the addresses of everything
  • In the paper the authors use a return-to-libc attack, bypassing the stack protection
    • uses return addresses on the stack
    • any process on Unix uses the libc library. ie. the functions are always loaded into every program
      • other os'es have a similar library
    • each executable contains the system() system call
      • allows the program to start a shell
  • What if the defender turns off execution on the stack
    • This method is called Write or Execute pages (W or X)
    • return-to-libc bypasses the memory protection from W or X
  • The problem introduced in the paper is how can they find the libc library when ASLR and W or X is used
    • This is a derandomization attack
    • Try jumping to addresses at random
    • If the address to jump to was invalid, a segfault occurs
    • The authors assume that the service starts a new process for each request (Default Apache web server behaviour)
      • Its costly to spawn new processes to do work, but it's more secure since it's an entirely separate memory space
      • In cases where the service doesn't fork requests to a new process, it's common for the memory to be re-randomized after a segfault
  • the attackers want to find the delta_mmap variable
    • contains the randomization code
      • keys to the kingdom
      • allows you to know how ASLR randomizes the memory
  • It's important to understand the assumptions that the paper makes when doing these attacks
  • Assumptions can make the attack much easier
  • 64 bit systems running 64 bit processes has a huge memory space that allows for much more randomization of memory addresses
    • at least 40 bits of entropy
    • Increases the number of tries
  • Server's crashing all the time should be a big notice that there's an issue but program's aren't designed with that in thought
    • ie. an attacker
    • investigating in the Apache web server attack
      • block the IP address that's causing the process to crash
      • See the data of the incoming request to determine if it's malicious or not
    • pausing the process stops the hacker but causes a DoS for the users of the service

Paper: The Geometry of Innocent Flesh on the Bone: Return-into-libc without Function Calls(on the x86)

  • shows a new way of organizing return-into-libc exploits
  • static analysis can be used to find code sequences for the return-into-libc attack
  • basic idea: put a return address on the stack - but not the return address of a function - an arbitrary instruction that's near the end of the function
    • runs the last few instructions of the function, then it does a return
    • that return address is then another jump into arbitrary instructions, repeating the above
  • This allows you to assemble arbitrary functions
  • static analysis allows you to use libraries other than libc
  • with enough functions, you're able to build any sort of exploit
  • each sequence of useful code from the end of functions are called "gadgets"
  • How are sequences chained together?
    • you push many return addresses and all the needed parameters
    • need a lot of bytes to perform this type of attack
  • Once you figure out where the library is randomly loaded, its trivial to jump to any function in the library

What have we learned about buffer overflows? (attack and defence)

  • What lessons have we learned?
    • Don't use unsafe languages (ie. C, C++)
    • attacks are very specific, but potentially robust
    • Side: Pwn2Own - if you compromise the machine/device, you take it home or get a reward
      • Attackers chain together many, many techniques to pwn devices
      • This stuff is real, but it is not easy. Depends on lots of little tricks
  • What's required to perform a memory corruption attack?
    • access to the same system
    • same programs, patches, versions
    • All of these are required because memory corruption attacks are fragile and very platform specific
  • How do you defeat these attacks in general?
    • software distribution
      • all the code that we put out there are the same - we all run the same code/binaries
      • if attacker has the same binaries, they can study them and develop attacks
  • Its silly that we can do crazy things to binaries (ie. crash them 30,000 times) without the binary doing anything