Operating Systems 2022F Lecture 10

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Video from the lecture given on October 11, 2022 is now available:

Video is also available through Brightspace (Resources->Zoom meeting->Cloud Recordings tab)


Lecture 10

 - A1 is graded.  To find the per-question marks, you have
   to look for the value of the A1-1 and A1-2 fields.  It is visible
   in the same place you can see your TA, under Progress->Class Progress->Grades
   in Brightspace (See the bell icon as well/notifications tab)

Plan for today
 - go through A2 solutions
 - make up questions for the midterm/answer questions

Again, the midterm is
 - open book, open note
 - will be an "assignment" in brightspace
    - available during class time, due at the end of class time
    - accomodations will be taken care of by different start/end
      times in brightspace (if you don't see them, PM me so I can add you)
 - same format as assignments, except I'll post a PDF
 - there will be randomized interviews after the midterm is graded,
   you can also request an interview if you want to go through your answers
 - I will be on zoom and checking PM's on Teams during the midterm

I have office hours after class.  If you didn't get checked off for T3 and T4,
I will do check-offs from 1-2.  After that, no more.

Example question:

[2] What x86-64 assembly language instruction is used to call a function?  What instruction is used to return from a function?

Tips for the midterm
 - study the concepts behind the questions in A1 and A2, makes sure they are clear
 - when answering questions, make sure to allocate your time appropriately, according to point values.  Leave time to check your answers on the end
 - DON'T SPEND TIME SEARCHING FOR ANSWERS, at least until the end after you've
   made a good attempt at everything.  You don't have time to look up answers.