Operating Systems 2018F Lecture 14
Video from the lecture given on October 31, 2018 is now available.
In Class
Lecture 14: Memory management ----------------------------- Pointers - variables that refer to memory addresses - size of pointer: range of address - if you have more memory than can be indexed by your pointer, you have to "bank switch" - >64K on a 16 bit addresses (2 bytes) - >4G on 32 bt addresses (4 bytes) - same pointer has different meaning depending on "bank" being used - 64-bit systems have 8 byte pointers, that is *plenty* large - how do we allocate memory for pointers to point to? - which pointers will be valid? - on older computers, programs would just use whatever memory was there - each program took care of its own allocation - ran one program at a time (in control of the whole machine) - to switch programs, you'd reboot - but today, we want to run many, many programs on one system - we run them as processes - pointers in processes aren't referring to real memory "virtual addresses" Why can't we all just get along? - one address space, multiple programs? Problems - who gets which memory range? - shared access? Protections? - and what about systems with different amounts of RAM? Memory layouts? Possible solutions - position-independent code - segments - load-time linking and relocating Segments - memory "block" with a base address and a length - has some meaning associated with it - pointers can be relative to base segment address - segment registers that are added to segment pointers Segment register: 5000 Pointer: 2000 Real address: 7000 x86 before the 80386 was very segmented - pointers were effectively a segment + offset Segments are bad because of fragmentation Fragmentation arises when you need to allocate variable-sized chunks of memory Two kinds: internal vs. external Assume we allocate precisely Request Response 4052 4052 7112 7112 External fragmentation: .......... 111....... 11122222.. ...22222.. **move** 22222..... Request Response 4052 4096 7112 8192 10 4096 Virtual memory - fixed size allocations (pages) - appear to be contiguous to process (virtual addresses) - but are fragmented in real memory (physical addresses) Page sizes are system-dependent, but are typically 4 or 8K (along with large pages) So, to go from virtual to physical addresses, have to look up the mapping between them...on every memory access Virtual Physical ------- -------- 5125 7152 1122 2234 Hash table? - not so good for hardware implementation Would like to do direct indexing - like an array index But need to compress - map pages, not addresses Every address becomes like a segment virtual page address + offset => real page address + offset offset is lower bits - for 4K pages, lower 12 bits for 32 bit addresses, this means I only need to map 20 bits -> 20 bits (copying the lower 12 bits) But we don't want to use an array to map the 20 bits - too big - too sparse (most virtual addresses are invalid) Page table is what is used - but it really is a very wide tree 2-level page table Master page: 4K holds 1K pointers can specify offset using 10 bits points to secondary pages Secondary pages 4K holds 1K pointers specify offset using 10 bits points to data pages Data pages use offset to find value of pointer Split virtual address as follows: 10 bits + 10 bits + 12 bits master sec. offset each secondary page gives you 4M of allocation "pointers" in page tables (master & secondary) are called Page Table Entries (PTEs) - upper bits point to a physical page - lower bits are metadata - e.g, is this valid Cache of PTEs is called the TLB (translation lookaside buffer) - why? blame IBM