Operating Systems 2017F: Tutorial 4
In this tutorial you will be experimenting with and extending 3000pc.c and 3000random.c (both listed below).
- Compile and run 3000pc.c. Note that you'll need to add a "-pthread" option to your compile command. First run it with a -1 for both delay intervals, then try other values. When does the producer signal the consumer? When does the consumer signal the producer?
- How can you output the random words to a file so that you only see the signal messages on the console?
- Modify the producer so that it never unlocks each entry (but does lock it). What happens?
- Modify the consumer so that it never unlocks each entry (but does lock it). What happens?
- What happens if you remove all entry locking/unlocking? How does the behavior change?
- Remove the SIGUSR1 signal handler from the producer (so it uses the C library default signal handler). How does the program behave?
- Remove the SIGUSR1 signal handler from the consumer (so it uses the C library default signal handler). How does the program behave?
- Change the producer and consumer so they only sleep for 1000 nanoseconds (1 millisecond) rather than 1 second during each delay interval. How does the behavior of the program change?
- Compile and run 3000random.c. Note that it takes two arguments. Where does this program get its random numbers from?
- Change 3000random.c to use /dev/random rather than /dev/urandom. How does its performance change, especially when generating a large number of random numbers?
- Change 3000pc.c to use random numbers from /dev/urandom rather than using the standard library function random(). How does this change affect the relative speed of the producer and consumer processes?
- (Bonus) Modify 3000pc.c so it takes in an additional command line argument that is the filename of a word list. This file should have one word per line. The program should then use this read-in word list rather than the hard coded word list. Pay attention to:
- where you read the file (in the producer, consumer, or before the fork)
- where and how you store the words in memory (the word list should be arbitrarily long, but the maximum length of a word can be fixed)
- (Bonus) Modify 3000pc.c so that it has multiple producers and consumers running concurrently, with the number of each specified on the command line.
/* 3000pc.c */
/* producer-consumer example using signals, processes and mmap */
/* v1 Oct. 15, 2017 */
/* Licenced under the GPLv3, copyright Anil Somayaji */
/* You really shouldn't be incorporating parts of this in any other code,
it is meant for teaching, not production */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#define QUEUESIZE 32
#define WORDSIZE 16
const int wordlist_size = 27;
const char *wordlist[] = {
typedef struct entry {
char word[WORDSIZE];
sem_t lock;
} entry;
typedef struct shared {
int prod_waiting;
int con_waiting;
entry queue[QUEUESIZE];
int last_produced;
int last_consumed;
pid_t prod_pid;
pid_t con_pid;
int prod_count;
int con_count;
} shared;
void report_error(char *error)
fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", error);
void usage_exit(char *progname)
"Usage: %s <event count> <prod delay int> <con delay int>\n",
void producer_handler(int the_signal)
if (the_signal == SIGUSR1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Producer received SIGUSR1.\n");
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Producer: No handler for for signal %d?!\n",
void consumer_handler(int the_signal)
if (the_signal == SIGUSR1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Consumer received SIGUSR1.\n");
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Consumer: No handler for for signal %d?!\n",
void pick_word(char *word)
int pick;
pick = random() % wordlist_size;
strcpy(word, wordlist[pick]);
void wait_for_producer(shared *s)
struct timespec delay;
delay.tv_sec = 100;
delay.tv_nsec = 0;
s->con_waiting = 1;
while (s->con_waiting) {
nanosleep(&delay, NULL);
void wait_for_consumer(shared *s)
struct timespec delay;
delay.tv_sec = 100;
delay.tv_nsec = 0;
s->prod_waiting = 1;
while (s->prod_waiting) {
nanosleep(&delay, NULL);
void wakeup_consumer(shared *s)
if (s->con_waiting) {
s->con_waiting = 0;
kill(s->con_pid, SIGUSR1);
void wakeup_producer(shared *s)
if (s->prod_waiting) {
s->prod_waiting = 0;
kill(s->prod_pid, SIGUSR1);
void output_word(int c, char *w)
printf("Word %d: %s\n", c, w);
int queue_word(char *word, shared *s)
entry *e;
int current, retval;
current = (s->last_produced + 1) % QUEUESIZE;
e = &s->queue[current];
if (e->word[0] != '\0') {
/* consumer hasn't consumed this entry yet */
if (e->word[0] != '\0') {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: No room for producer after waiting!\n");
retval = -1;
goto done;
} else {
strncpy(e->word, word, WORDSIZE);
s->last_produced = current;
retval = 0;
goto done;
return retval;
int get_next_word(char *word, shared *s)
entry *e;
int current, retval;
current = (s->last_consumed + 1) % QUEUESIZE;
e = &s->queue[current];
if (e->word[0] == '\0') {
/* producer hasn't filled in this entry yet */
if (e->word[0] == '\0') {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Nothing for consumer after waiting!\n");
retval = -1;
goto done;
} else {
strncpy(word, e->word, WORDSIZE);
e->word[0] = '\0';
s->last_consumed = current;
retval = 0;
goto done;
return retval;
void producer(shared *s, int event_count, int producer_delay_interval)
char word[WORDSIZE];
int i;
struct sigaction signal_handler_struct;
memset (&signal_handler_struct, 0, sizeof(signal_handler_struct));
signal_handler_struct.sa_handler = producer_handler;
if (sigaction(SIGUSR1, &signal_handler_struct, NULL)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Producer couldn't register SIGUSR1 handler.\n");
for (i=0; i < event_count; i++) {
queue_word(word, s);
if (producer_delay_interval > 0) {
if (i % producer_delay_interval == 0) {
printf("Producer finished.\n");
void consumer(shared *s, int event_count, int consumer_delay_interval)
char word[WORDSIZE];
int i;
struct sigaction signal_handler_struct;
memset (&signal_handler_struct, 0, sizeof(signal_handler_struct));
signal_handler_struct.sa_handler = consumer_handler;
if (sigaction(SIGUSR1, &signal_handler_struct, NULL)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Consumer couldn't register SIGUSR1 handler.\n");
for (i=0; i < event_count; i++) {
get_next_word(word, s);
output_word(s->con_count, word);
if (consumer_delay_interval > 0) {
if (i % consumer_delay_interval == 0) {
printf("Consumer finished.\n");
void init_shared(shared *s)
int i;
s->con_waiting = 0;
s->last_consumed = -1;
s->prod_waiting = 0;
s->last_produced = -1;
s->prod_pid = -1;
s->con_pid = -1;
s->prod_count = 0;
s->con_count = 0;
for (i=0; i<QUEUESIZE; i++) {
s->queue[i].word[0] = '\0';
/* semaphore is shared between processes,
and initial value is 1 (unlocked) */
sem_init(&s->queue[i].lock, 1, 1);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int pid, count, prod_interval, con_interval;
shared *s;
if (argc < 4) {
if (argc < 1) {
report_error("no command line");
} else {
report_error("Not enough arguments");
count = atoi(argv[1]);
prod_interval = atoi(argv[2]);
con_interval = atoi(argv[3]);
s = (shared *) mmap(NULL, sizeof(shared),
if (s == MAP_FAILED) {
pid = fork();
if (pid) {
/* producer */
s->prod_pid = getpid();
producer(s, count, prod_interval);
} else {
/* consumer */
s->con_pid = getpid();
consumer(s, count, con_interval);
/* This line should never be reached */
return -1;
/* 3000random.c */
/* prints out random numbers obtained from system /dev/urandom */
/* (This is much, much better than using rand() or random())! */
/* v1 Oct. 15, 2017 */
/* Licenced under the GPLv3, copyright Anil Somayaji */
/* You really shouldn't be incorporating parts of this in any other code,
it is meant for teaching, not production */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define BUFSIZE 1024
typedef struct rand_state {
unsigned long buffer[BUFSIZE];
int current;
int fd;
} rand_state;
void fill_rand_buffer(rand_state *r)
ssize_t count;
count = read(r->fd, (void *) &r->buffer,
BUFSIZE * sizeof(unsigned long));
if (count > sizeof(unsigned long)) {
r->current = (count / sizeof(unsigned long)) - 1;
/* was %, that was wrong! */
/* left out -1, that was wrong! */
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't fill random buffer.\n");
void system_rand_init(rand_state *r)
r->fd = open("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY);
long system_rand(long max, rand_state *r)
unsigned long val;
if (r->current < 0) {
if (r->current < 0) {
/* fill_rand_buffer should have already
reported an error */
return 0;
val = r->buffer[r->current];
return val % max;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int count, i;
long max, x;
rand_state r;
if (argc != 3) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <count> <max>\n", argv[0]);
count = atoi(argv[1]);
max = atol(argv[2]);
printf("count = %d, max = %ld\n", count, max);
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
x = system_rand(max, &r);
printf("%ld\n", x);
return 0;