Lecture 17
- https://www.cs.unm.edu/~ackley/#rh-ccr
Big idea - can we make a virtual world truly peer-to-peer? What does this mean?
basically all virtual worlds are client server
- server may be distributed, but all are controlled by the same entity
- so, who has the power? the server. All of it
So, peer-to-peer virtual worlds have to share power, somehow
- my stuff is my stuff?
- my power is "equal" to that of others?
Closest to this is custom servers
- i.e., run your own minecraft server
- person running the server has absolute power but can
grant powers to arbitrary players
A truly peer-to-peer world means that everyone is running their own
custom servers
- peer to peer!
- client is the server
- connect worlds to worlds
- we can walk from one world to another
- but it depends on the peer-to-peer relationships
- social graph is reflected in the physical graph
The most interesting part of ccr was its approach to code
- normally, the developer of the client & server determine everything
- but with ccr, "players" should control how their worlds work
- code was mobile, to a degree
- to make anything work, you need code
- code is also fundamentally dangerous
- you would limit the "physics" of the world to limit the abilities of code
- more than sandboxing
- recognition that communication is fundamentally dangerous
- so you better limit it at the lowest level
one problem of ccr was it was really slow
- shouldn't be so much of an issue now
- but maybe it would be because ccr was designed to be slow (simulating