COMP 1601 2021W Final Exam Name: Student ID: Please add your answer after the points in square brackets. Don't delete anything and make sure the question numbers remain at the start of the line, thanks! 1. [2] 2. [2] 3. [2] 4. [2] 5. [2] 6a. [2] 6b. [2] 7. [2] 8a. [2] 8b. [2] 9a. [2] 9b. [2] 10a. [2] 10b. [2] 10c. [2] 11a. [1] 11b. [2] 11c. [1] 11d. [1] 11e. [1] 12a. [2] 12b. [1] 12c. [3] 13a. [1] 13b. [2] 13c. [3]