COMP 1601 2021W Tutorial 8 Solutions 1. Add another picture to the assets of PicViewer2A. How can you make sure this pic is shown by default? Add a pic by adding an image file to PicViewer2A/app/src/main/res/drawable. Make sure the filename is all lowercase and numbers (no uppercase, no dashes or other special characters). This file "roshi2" is then accessible as R.drawable.roshi2. To make this pic shown by default, change line 16 to assign pic to the new drawable asset, e.g. private var pic = R.drawable.roshi2 2. How do you change the code so your added pic will appear eventually when clicking on the current image? We change toggleImage() (lines 62-69) so it returns the new image. We could just add a new case to the if statement, but that's ugly. It is better to define an array of the pictures and then rotate through those, and then store the current image as an index into this array. So then we add a declaration of pics just after appName (line 13): val pics = arrayOf(R.drawable.kittens, R.drawable.roshi, R.drawable.roshi2) We then add a declaration for picIndex to the top of MainActivity (after the declaration of pic): private var picIndex = 0 And finally, we replace toggleImage with the following: fun toggleImage(v: View) { picIndex = (picIndex + 1) % pics.size pic = pics[picIndex] updateImage() } (It should really be renamed nextImage to better follow its use. To do so, rename the function and then rename the onClick handler for the ImageView.) 3. How many widgets do you have to move in order to get the input fields and their labels moved to the left side of the screen or centered? Why? We just need to adjust y, as everything else is anchored to it. Specifically, the othe EditTexts are positioned above the y field, and the labels are anchored so they end just before the start of each entry field. For example, we can set android:layout_marginEnd="128dp" for y and it will shift all of the fields to the left. 4. What values do the fields take on when you delete all the text? Is it the same for every field? When everything is deleted from the rotation field, the value gets set to 0. This happens because new_r becomes null and so the else clause in lines 79-82 is run. The afterTextChanged handlers for pXWatcher, scaleWatcher, and PicWatcher (for Y) do nothing if tthe toFloatOrNull() conversion fails, leaving the previous value in effect. 5. Change the EditText input widgets so the rotation, X, and Y fields can accept negative numbers. For the EditText widgets for rotation, X, and Y in activity_main.xml, change the android:inputType to be "numberSigned" rather than "number". 6. There is a lot of duplicated code in MainActivity.kt. What is the primary source of duplicated code? The primary source of duplicated code is requiring a separate watcher for each input field as well as having a separate state variable declaration. 7. How can the PicWatcher class be used to greatly reduce the amount of duplicated code? We can replace all of the other watchers with instances of PicWatcher. For example, we create PicWatchers for the other values: val r = PicWatcher("rotation", 0F, ::updateImage) val s = PicWatcher("scale", 1F, ::updateImage) val X = PicWatcher("X", 0F, ::updateImage) Next we can use these as TextChangedLister's in onCreate: rotationInput = findViewById( rotationInput.addTextChangedListener(r) scaleInput = findViewById( scaleInput.addTextChangedListener(s) pXInput = findViewById( pXInput.addTextChangedListener(X) Then, we change updateImage to use the PicViewer values: fun updateImage() { p.setImageResource(pic) p.setX(X.value) p.setY(Y.value) p.setRotation(r.value) p.setScaleX(s.value) p.setScaleY(s.value) } And finally we can remove all of the unneeded declarations and TextWatcher objects. 8. How can you change the fields so they all take on a value of zero when all text is deleted? Since we've consolidated to just use PicWatcher, we just have to change it to the following: class PicWatcher: TextWatcher { var value: Float var default_value: Float var name: String var update: () -> Unit override fun afterTextChanged(s: Editable) { val new_value = s.toString().toFloatOrNull() if (new_value != null) { value = new_value Log.d(appName, "Set ${name} to ${value}.") } else { value = default_value Log.d(appName, "Set ${name} to default value ${value}.") } update() } override fun onTextChanged(s: CharSequence?, start: Int, before: Int, count: Int) { } override fun beforeTextChanged(s: CharSequence?, start: Int, count: Int, after: Int) { } constructor(n: String, v: Float, u: () -> Unit) { value = v default_value = v name = n update = u } } We've added a default vaule that is initialized in the constructor and we've changed the afterTextChanged() method to call update() at the end always and to update the value to the default value when the conversion of new_value fails. 9. Change PicWatcher so its constructor takes an additional function as an argument, clamp(), that takes a float as an argument and returns a float. Use this new function to implement appropriate clamping functions for each values as follows: 0 <= scale <= 5, 0 <= rotation <= 720, -1000 <= x, y <= 1000. If the current value is outside the range, it should be set to either the smallest or the largest value in the range, as appropriate. First, add in a declaration for clamp to PicWatcher: var clamp: (Float) -> Float Then, in PicWatcher's afterTextChanged method, change the then clause (original line 147) to be: value = clamp(new_value) And finally change the PicWatcher declarations to be as follows: val r = PicWatcher("rotation", 0F, ::updateImage) {r -> if (r > 720F) return@PicWatcher 720F if (r < 0F) return@PicWatcher 0F r } val s = PicWatcher("scale", 1F, ::updateImage) {s -> if (s > 5F) return@PicWatcher 5F if (s < 0) return@PicWatcher 0F s } val X = PicWatcher("X", 0F, ::updateImage, ::clamp_xy) val Y = PicWatcher("Y", 0F, ::updateImage, ::clamp_xy) fun clamp_xy(v: Float): Float { if (v > 1000F) return 1000F if (v < -1000F) return -1000F return v } Note we define a named function for X and Y so we don't have to define this function twice. 10. When PicViewer2A is rotated, it preserves its state. Add the following method to MainActivity(): override fun onSaveInstanceState(outState: Bundle) { Log.d(appName, "State saved") } This change should cause PicViewer2A to no longer preserve state across rotations. How can you modify this function so it again preserves the app's state? What does this change tell you about how PicViewer2A works? To fix it, we just have to add the following: super.onSaveInstanceState(outState) This call invokes the onSaveInstanceState method of the superclass. The fact that this works means that other parts of the app (likely the EditText widgets) implement this method, thus preserving their own state in the state Bundle.