COMP 1601 2021W Assignment 4 Solutions 1. [2] Update PicViewer2 so all the fields use a PicWatcher with clamp functions as specified in Tutorial 8. Include the full code of MainActivity.kt as your answer to this question. This is just the code at the end of Tutorial 8. A copy of this was made available as part of the Tutorial 8 solutions. package carleton.comp1601.picviewer2a import import android.os.Bundle import android.text.Editable import android.text.TextWatcher import android.util.Log import android.view.View import android.widget.EditText import android.widget.ImageView val appName = "PicViewer2A" val pics = arrayOf(R.drawable.kittens, R.drawable.roshi, R.drawable.roshi2) class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() { private lateinit var p: ImageView private var pic = R.drawable.kittens private var picIndex = 0 private lateinit var rotationInput: EditText private lateinit var scaleInput: EditText private lateinit var pXInput: EditText private lateinit var pYInput: EditText val r = PicWatcher("rotation", 0F, ::updateImage) {r -> if (r > 720F) return@PicWatcher 720F if (r < 0F) return@PicWatcher 0F r } val s = PicWatcher("scale", 1F, ::updateImage) {s -> if (s > 5F) return@PicWatcher 5F if (s < 0) return@PicWatcher 0F s } val X = PicWatcher("X", 0F, ::updateImage, ::clamp_xy) val Y = PicWatcher("Y", 0F, ::updateImage, ::clamp_xy) fun clamp_xy(v: Float): Float { if (v > 1000F) return 1000F if (v < -1000F) return -1000F return v } override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(R.layout.activity_main) if (savedInstanceState != null) { // do something } p = findViewById( rotationInput = findViewById( rotationInput.addTextChangedListener(r) scaleInput = findViewById( scaleInput.addTextChangedListener(s) pXInput = findViewById( pXInput.addTextChangedListener(X) pYInput = findViewById( pYInput.addTextChangedListener(Y) updateImage() Log.d(appName, "Activity Created") } override fun onSaveInstanceState(outState: Bundle) { super.onSaveInstanceState(outState) Log.d(appName, "State saved") } fun updateImage() { p.setImageResource(pic) p.setX(X.value) p.setY(Y.value) p.setRotation(r.value) p.setScaleX(s.value) p.setScaleY(s.value) } fun nextImage(v: View) { picIndex = (picIndex + 1) % pics.size pic = pics[picIndex] updateImage() } } class PicWatcher: TextWatcher { var value: Float var default_value: Float var name: String var update: () -> Unit var clamp: (Float) -> Float override fun afterTextChanged(s: Editable) { val new_value = s.toString().toFloatOrNull() if (new_value != null) { value = clamp(new_value) Log.d(appName, "Set ${name} to ${value}.") } else { value = default_value Log.d(appName, "Set ${name} to default value ${value}.") } update() } override fun onTextChanged(s: CharSequence?, start: Int, before: Int, count: Int) { } override fun beforeTextChanged(s: CharSequence?, start: Int, count: Int, after: Int) { } constructor(n: String, v: Float, u: () -> Unit, c: (Float) -> Float) { value = v default_value = v name = n update = u clamp = c } } 2. [2] Remove the title bar from the screens. Make sure your solution works for both light and dark modes. Insert the following just after line 14 of both values/themes.xml and night/themes.xml: false true 3. [4] Add a title screen with a continue button. The title should be "Picture Viewer Demo". When the title screen's continue button is pressed the main activity should be shown. To do this we have to create a new activity, which means we need to specify the activity in AndroidManifest (saying it should be run first rather than the main screen), create a TitleScreen.kt, and create an associated title_screen.xml. We can basically copy the code from Tutorial 9 for all this. First, we change the activity portion AndroidManifest (starting at line 12) to the following: We've added the TitleScreen activity and given it the intent filter that MainActivity previously had, so TitleScreen will be called when the app is started. Next, we need to create TitleScreen.kt, a new Kotlin file (which is an almost identical copy of SplashScreen.kt): package carleton.comp1601.picviewer2a import android.content.Intent import android.os.Bundle import android.util.Log import android.view.View import class TitleScreen : AppCompatActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(R.layout.title_screen) Log.d(appName, "Title screen created") } fun startMain(v: View) { Log.d(appName, "Starting Main button pressed") intent = Intent(this, startActivity(intent) Log.d(appName, "Starting Main intent sent") } } And finally, create title_screen.xml that was referenced above. This is identical to splashscreen.xml, except the reference to SplashScreen has been replaced by TitleScreen, the title was changed, and the COMP 1601 text was removed. (It is fine if you kept it in.)