Talk:COMP 3000 Essay 1 2010 Question 12

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Revision as of 12:44, 10 October 2010 by Jbaubin (talk | contribs)
Jump to navigation Jump to search It looks to be pretty accurate The team blog <-- If you are bored and want to learn about WinFs, 54 min video. an overview of the Newton OS filesystem to help you out --Rannath BeOS --Rannath

I found some other stuff for Palm OS data base, but didn't find any good yet.

All the above links give good explanation of the subject. I will try to update later.


I found a little bit more in depth about NewtonOS:

Also, another name for Palm OS is Garnet OS. I haven't had time yet to look too much into this, but the wiki has many links to references and to the main site:

Edit: Since there are 5 database systems listed, and 5 people in the group, we can each pick one to work on. If anyone needs help with the one they pick, holla! Also, if you find another database system you want to work on, just add it to the list and put your name beside it.

WinFS - Jean-Benoit

ReiserFS -

Newton OS - Daniel

PalmOS/Garnet OS - Tuan Pham

BeOS -

Other (list)...


Just to check how everybody are going? There is still two people who haven't picked an FileSystem, is there a problem or you simply didn't write your name next to it?

Also, for others i found an other database System made by Oracle. It is called : Internet File System. Here a good link to get started.

I'll probably posted in the page what I have written so far later today.

Also, to keep consistence, I don't know how you are writing yours, but mine will look something like that : Short history of Winfs, predecessor , etc. (by short i mean roughly 200-300 words) Short explanation on how WinFs works. It's fate and Why

If you have any other idea, please share it.
