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Revision as of 14:25, 1 March 2021


Video from the lecture given on March 1, 2021 will be available shortly.


Midterm Review
* assignment 2 solutions
* answer questions
* go through assignments/tutorials, extract key concepts

Key concepts
 - optional types: if let, !, ??
 - event handlers in SwiftUI for gestures, taps
    - onChanged vs onEnded
 - ForEach in views
   - to make multiple buttons, etc based on a data structure
 - forEach in regular functions
   - how like and unlike for loops
 - positions for SwiftUI images, other objects
    - being able to change them directly, rather than having auto
 - @State and @Binding in views, how they connect views
 - state in swiftui, how it interacts with view refreshes
   - events update state
   - changes in state cause views to be redrawn automatically
   - should be able to do some basic problem solving with state & bindings
     - understand what $ is used for in swiftui
 - splitting apart views using @State & @Binding
 - + operator in views, HStack, VStack, ZStack
   - ways to combine views into one view
 - Menu views
 - functions & closures in swift
   - how arguments are specified
   - named vs unnamed
   - return values
 - dictionary, arrays in swift
 - TextField vs. Text
   - input and output on screen
   - bold, italic text
 - Image views
   - using assets included in app
 - for, while loops in swift
   - range specifications with for
 - implicit types
   - when you do and don't have to specify a type
   - the idea is to make code clear without being verbose
 - var vs let in swift
   - variable vs constant values
 - struct vs class
   - value vs reference types
 - string interpolation
   - how to generate a string that includes values in in from variables
      - put a number in a string

On the midterm
 - more reading code than writing code
   - written code will be very short
 - short answer about specific problems and more general concepts
   - general follows the specific
What is a foreach-type loop?
 - give it an array-ish thing (iterable) plus a closure which takes one argument
    - closure is called for each element of array

ForEach in SwiftUI is a weird beast
 - like everything in SwiftUI

In swift, like most strongly-typed languages, symbols have types
  - types on a symbol don't change in a scope
    - but you can redefine variables in different scopes, shadowing the old
    - i in function A and in function B aren't necessarily the same time,
      could be a Double in one, int in another
  - in traditional strongly-typed languages, every symbol had to
    have an explicit type
  - in Swift and Kotlin, types don't have to be specified if they are
    otherwise clear, e.g., you assign a value of a given type

 - if the value of a symbol can change, it is a "variable",
   if it can't, then it is a "constant"
     - var vs let in swift

Separate issue is value types vs reference types
 - this is about what assignment does, A = B
 - with a value type, A = B makes a copy
 - with a reference type, A = B means B refers to the same thing A did

Swift is strongly typed, but it is also implicitly typed
 - so you get the brevity of loosly/dynamically typed languages like
   Python, JavaScript in that you don't have to say the type of everything
 - but you still have the compile-time checking of Java etc

In fact, with optional types, the compile time checking is stricter in
Swift than Java
 - can't "accidentally" do things with a null/nil value

Strongly typed
 - the compiler knows the types of everything at compile time
Loosly typed/dynamically typed
 - compiler doesn't know all types at compile time, so must be checked at runtime

What is a view?
 - struct with a body that is a view

Please answer in complete sentences where you can
 - it is easier to understand and grade, hence better for getting points

But we won't automatically take points off for bullet points


Midterm is open book, open note, open internet
 - remember, I'm doing randomized/selected interviews,
   so misrepresenting what you know is a bad idea
 - go ahead and use Xcode
 - I suggest answering everything you can first without using outside
  resources, THEN go back and use online resources/Xcode to refine answers
    - outside resources can take up a lot of time, easy to get
      sucked into figuring out one thing and ignoring the rest of
      the test
 - "open book" isn't so helpful in practice

You have 80 minutes
 - not sure about # questions yet
 - I have a draft exam, but I'm still adjusting it

PMC accomodations
 - go ahead and take your extra time
 - just send me an email saying that you are
   - I have the requests

Midterm will be posted to cuLearn, will submit as a standard "assignment"
 - not using the cuLearn exam mechanisms
 - you just edit and submit a textfile template, same as everything else
 - exam itself will be a PDF
   - so you can print if you like
 - exam will become available at 11:35 AM on Wednesday, should
   be submitted by 12:55 PM
   - will make minor allowances for technical glitches

Don't be in zoom by default
 - msg me on Teams if you have questions, or jump on zoom
 - we can talk via zoom or teams if I can't respond via messaging quickly
   or you can't ask quickly

 - method of an array

animals is an array

animals.forEach(closure/function that takes one arg)