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Latest revision as of 15:26, 19 April 2021


Video for the review given on April 19, 2021 is now available.


COMP 1601 Final Exam review session

Final exam questions come from the midterm & assignments 3 & 4
 - questions mangled to get at the same concepts but with different wording
 - so study by understanding key concepts behind questions
I also look at the tutorials for questions, but that is a secondary source

State management, difference between Android and iOS SwiftUI
 - iOS Storyboard and Android are very similar

With SwiftUI, you have state variables
 - views are updated when state variables change
 - you don't need to think of how or when this happens,
   just keep the state updated, and make your views dependent on
   current state

With Android, you manually manage state
 - when events happen, your code must update state based on event
   and then update display as needed
 - must structure code so display and state stay in sync

When you create log messages, the device (phone) is sending out log messages that are then reported by the IDE in a log viewer window
 - these messages get to the IDE via a "serial device"
 - serial = one bit at a time
 - classically, how you connected a modem or terminal to a computer
    - a text terminal is a simulation of interaction with a serial device
 - this low-level mechanism is how things are communicated between the device and the IDE

Hint: try doing cars to cows in Swift, see what happens

I will be making connections between SwiftUI and Android, you should too

code will only be short snippets

Good to have Android and iOS dev environments accessible
 - but only use them after you've answered all you can otherwise
 - playing with dev tools sucks up time and you only have 2 hours

Code in the exam will be based on code you've already seen
 - maybe with small changes

compare/contrast how layout is done