DistOS-2011W Justice

From Soma-notes
Revision as of 17:31, 11 March 2011 by Mike Preston (talk | contribs)


  • Matthew Chou
  • Mike Preston
  • Thomas McMahon
  • David Barrera

Note: research so far moved to Discussion section.

What is Justice?

The concept of Justice as an abstact sense, without the implications of justice at the computer level.

Justice Involving Computers

How Justice applies to the realm of computers. This includes how a computer can be exposed to Justice vs. how the user would be involved in the Justice applied.

Crime and Punishment

A broad description of possible crimes committed within the scope of the class, and punishments for those within the system and attackers from without.

Concept: Justice Web

A description of the Justice Web implementation discussed by our group.


[1] Posner, Richard A., Retirbution and Related Concepts of Punishment, The Journal of Legal Studies Vol. 9 No. 1, University of Chicago Press, 1980. PDF

[2] Rawls, John, A Theory of Justice: Revised Edition, Harvard University Press, 2003.