SCS Curriculum Reinvention Committee

From Soma-notes

This page contains notes and discussions related to the SCS Curriculum Reinvention Committee.

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Requests for more data

  • Why are students leaving SCS?
    • What are the grades in SCS-related courses for students who change majors out of SCS?
    • What majors do they switch to? After how many terms?
  • DFW and A/B rates for 2009/2010 versus past years in 1405, 1406, 1805?

Courses to be examined

Introductory Programming

  • COMP 1405 - Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
  • COMP 1406 - Design and Implementation of Computer Applications


  • COMP 1805 - Discrete Structures
  • COMP 2805 - Introduction to Theory of Computation
  • COMP 2402 - Abstract Data Types and Algorithms
  • COMP 3804 - Design and Analysis of Algorithms I

Intermediate Programming

  • COMP 1402 - Introduction to Systems Programming
  • COMP 2404 - Programming in C++

Other Core-ish Courses

  • COMP 2003 - Computer Organization
  • COMP 2405 - Internet Application Programming
  • COMP 3000 - Operating Systems
  • COMP 3002 - Compiler Construction
  • COMP 3004 - Object-Oriented Software Engineering
  • COMP 3005 - Database Management Systems
  • COMP 3007 - Programming Paradigms
  • COMP 3008 - User Interface Architecture
  • COMP 3203 - Principles of Computer Networks
  • STAT 2507
  • STAT 2605

CR: COMP 1405/1406 Redesign

CR: Theory course redesign

CR: Other CS approaches to Math/Theory

CR: New course descriptions and rationale

CR: Survey of theory requirements in other Canadian Honours programs

CR: Reducing the Core Size