Talk:COMP 3000 Essay 2 2010 Question 4

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Group Essay 2

Hello Group. Please post your information here. I assume everybody read the email at your connect account. Anyone specific wants to send him the email with the group members inside? If not, I just go ahead tomorrow at about 13:00 and send the email with the group members who wrote their contact information in here. - Sschnei1 03:25, 15 November 2010 (UTC)

Sebastian Schneider

Matthew Chou

Mark Walts

Henry Irving

Jean-Benoit Aubin

Pradhan Nishant npradhan

Only Paul Cox didn't answer i sent this morning.

Cox Paul pcox

And I just sent an email to the teacher.



the paper's title, authors, and their affiliations. Include a link to the paper and any particularly helpful supplementary information.

Title: Accountable Virtual Machines

Authors: Andreas Haeberlen, Paarijaat Aditya, Rodrigo Rodrigues, Peter Druschel

Affiliates: University of Pennsylvania, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS)]

Link to Paper: Accountable Virtual Machines

Supplementary Information: Accountable distributed systems and the accountable cloud - background of similar AVM implementation for distributed systems.

Background Concepts

Explain briefly the background concepts and ideas that your fellow classmates will need to know first in order to understand your assigned paper.

Accountable Virtual Machine (AVM)

Deterministic Replay: A machine can record its executions into a file so that it can be replayed in order to see the executions and follow what was happening on the machine. Remus [1] has contributed a highly efficient snap-shotting mechanism for these replays.

Accountability: Accountability in the context of this paper means that every action done on the virtual machine is recorded and will be used against the machine or user to verify the correctness of the application. The AVM is responsible of its action and will answers for its action against an auditor.

Remote Fault Detection: There are programs like GridCop [2] that can be used to monitor the progress and execution of a remotely executing program by requesting a beacon packet. When the remote computer is sending the packets, the receiving/logging computer must be a trusted computer (hardware,software, OS) so that the receiving of packets remains consistent. To detect a fault in a remote system, every packet must arrive safely, and any interrupts during the logging must be handled or the inconsistencies will result in an inaccurate outcome. The AVM does not require trusted hardware and can be used over wide-area networks.

Cheat Detection: Cheating in games or any specific modification in a program can be either scanned [3][4] for or prevented [5][6] by certain programs. The issue with these scanning and preventative software is the knowledge/awareness of specific cheats or situations that the software can handle. An AVM is designed to counter any kind of general cheat.

Integrity Violations: This refers how the consistency of normal/expected operations of an execution does not equal to that of the host/reference (Trusted) execution, hence a violation has occurred.

- The word "node" is used to refer to a computer or server in order to represent the interactions between one computer and another, or a computer and a server.

Research problem

What is the research problem being addressed by the paper? How does this problem relate to past related work?

Cloud computing, online multi-player games, and other online services such as auctions are only a few examples that rely on a system of trust between users and a host. These different examples must have a certain amount of trust between the interactions of one user and another, as well as the user interacting with a host. When a node (user or computer) expects some sort of result or feedback from another node, they would hope that that interaction being done with node A is the same it would be done with another node, node B. Let's say for example that node A interacts with node B with execution exe1, now when node A and B interact with node C, they would both expect to interact with execution exe1, but what happens if node C interacts differently and executes with exe2, then it would be beneficial to be notified of this difference. The previous explanation might not seem too relevant without some examples, such as; Node A is playing a game with node B, the game executed on node B is the same as on A, now when node A plays with node C, node C is executing the same operations as node A plus a cheating program; when node A buys some products from node B's server, the server processes the order and then deletes node A's sensitive information, denoted by execution 1, now when node A buys from node C's server, the order is processed as well as the sensitive information that node A has provided is also rerouted to another server so that it can be used without permission. These are only a few examples where the operations in an execution is necessary to be logged and verified. The problem that is trying to be handled here is to create a procedure that can be done so that a node can be known as accountable, and to log the operations in an execution to provide evidence of these faults done by a node. Previous work that has been done in efforts to prevent or detect integrity violations can be separated into different categories of operations. The first would be Cheat Detection, where in many different games there are cheats that users use to usually create benefits for themselves that was not intended by the original game.[4] These detectors are not dynamic, in the sense that they do not actually detect whether a cheat is being used, more so they are checking if there is a cheating operation that they have logged before, being operated on the user's system. For example, if there was a known cheating program named aimbot.exe that can be run in the background of a game such as CounterStrike, and the PunkBuster system that was implemented on the user's system had the aimbot.exe program already logged as a cheating program from the developers, the PunkBuster program might notify the current game servers of this or even prevent the user from playing any games until the aimbot.exe operation is no longer running.

Accountability is another important problem that many have already worked on. The main goal of an accountable system is to be able to determine without a doubt a faulty node and can proves it with solid evidence. It can also be used to defend a node when threaten with false accusation. Numerous systems already used accountability in their system, but they were mostly all linked to specific application, where a point of reference must be used to compare. As example PeerReview[7], which is a system closely related to what the research team have worked on, must be implemented into the application which makes it less portable and cannot be implemented as easily as an AVM. PeerReview verify the inbound and outbound packets and can see if the software is running as intended.

-- I am working on Remote fault detection now -Jb

-If you could please fill in this section about Remote Fault detection it would awesome, and anything else you would to add or modify, or leave a note in the discussion sections if you want me to relook or change something. --Mchou2 20:10, 21 November 2010 (UTC)

The problem of logging and auditing the processes of an execution of a specific node (computer) is greatly dependent on the work done for deterministic replay. Deterministic replay programs can create a log file that can be used to replay the operations done for some execution that occurs on a node. Replaying the operations done on the node can show what the node was doing, and this would seem like it is sufficient in finding out whether a node was causing integrity violations or not. The concept of snap-shoting/recording the operations is not the issue with deterministic replay, it is the fact that the data being outputted into the replay may be tampered with by the node itself so that it generates optimal results in replay. By faking the results of the operations, the auditing computer will falsely believe that the tested computer is running all operations as normal. The logging operations done by these recording programs can be directly related to the work needed to detect integrity violations.


What are the research contribution(s) of this work? Specifically, what are the key research results, and what do they mean? (What was implemented? Why is it any better than what came before?)


What is good and not-so-good about this paper? You may discuss both the style and content; be sure to ground your discussion with specific references. Simple assertions that something is good or bad is not enough - you must explain why.


You will almost certainly have to refer to other resources; please cite these resources in the style of citation of the papers assigned (inlined numbered references). Place your bibliographic entries in this section.

[1] B. Cully, G. Lefebvre, D. Meyer, M. Feeley, N. Hutchinson, and A. Warfield. Remus: High availability via asynchronous virtual machine replication. In Proceedings of the USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI), Apr. 2008.

[2] S. Yang, A. R. Butt, Y. C. Hu, and S. P. Midkiff. Trust but verify: Monitoring remotely executing programs for progress and correctness. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Annual Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP), June 2005.

[3] G. Hoglund. 4.5 million copies of EULA-compliant spyware.

[4] PunkBuster web site.

[5] N. E. Baughman, M. Liberatore, and B. N. Levine. Cheat-proof playout for centralized and peer-to-peer gaming. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN), 15(1):1–13, Feb. 2007.

[6] C. M¨onch, G. Grimen, and R. Midtstraum. Protecting online games against cheating. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Network and Systems Support for Games (NetGames), Oct. 2006.

[7] A. Haeberlen, P. Kuznetsov, and P. Druschel. PeerReview: Practical accountability for distributed systems. In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP),Oct. 2007.


We can use this area to discuss or leave notes on general ideas or whatever you want to write here.

-The current due date posted on the site for this essay is November 25th --Mchou2 05:18, 19 November 2010 (UTC)

-I think that since we are given the headings to this article, we can easily choose what parts each member would like to work on, obviously since there are more members than parts, multiple members will have to work on the same parts or can work on all parts, I guess it's really up to you. I know that most people have a lot of projects coming up so let's try to get this done asap, or at least bit by bit so it's not something we have to worry too much about. --Mchou2 05:18, 19 November 2010 (UTC)

- I would like to do the Contribution or Critique. -- Sschnei1 02:40, 20 November 2010 (UTC)

- I can either work on Background Concepts, or Research problem. -Jbaubin

- I'm not sure whether the background concepts should be in point form or a paragraph, and whether it needs to be very long or not, but I shall work on both background concepts and research problem with you Jbaubin. --Mchou2 18:11, 21 November 2010 (UTC)

-Sounds good, and As i was going to post what I had for research problem, I just saw you posted a big chunk of it. I'll be out for a while, but tonight I'll take a serious look at what you write and add what I had written. - Jbaubin

- Sorry I didn't write anything yet to Critique. I'm making my notes and will post something tonight or tomorrow. -- Sschnei1 14:50, 22 November 2010 (UTC)