COMP3000 Operating Systems W25: Connecting to SCS Openstack
Note: this page's purpose is to host publicly available material linked from Brightspace. Please use Brightspace as the primary source of information to stay updated.
If you want to access the openstack environment during a video call (or when watching a movie online), please do not leave the Carleton VPN connected. You may also want to avoid your personal online activities going through the VPN or just simply need more convenience. Here are some alternative options. The instructions below assume you have created your VM instance with the VPN. Remember to replace <***> with your actual values.
ssh -J <CarletonUserName> <VMUserName>@<VMIP>
This above is the easy and recommended way. If your ssh version is a bit old, you may need to add a key exchange algorithm with:
ssh -oKexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 -J <CarletonUserName> <VMUserName>@<VMIP>
ProxyJump - persistent
In your ssh config file (e.g., ~/.ssh/config for Linux and C:\Users\<UserName>\.ssh\config for Windows 10/11):
Host access HostName KexAlgorithms +diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 User <CarletonUserName> Host 134.117.* ProxyJump access User <VMUserName>
Then you can just ssh <VMIP>.
Windows (older versions)
ssh -o ProxyCommand="C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\ssh.exe -W %h:%p <CarletonUserName>" <VMUserName>@<VMIP>
Legacy (two terminal windows needed, not recommended)
ssh -L 1200:<VMIP>:22 <CarletonUserName>
[stay logged in, and in another window do the following]
ssh -p 1200 <VMUserName>@localhost
You can choose a port other than 1200.
If you are tired of typing passwords
Follow these instructions to set up your key pair to log in without having to remember a password. You will have a better understanding of this process when we discuss the security topics later in the term.