WebFund 2024F Final Exam QA

From Soma-notes
Revision as of 20:38, 10 December 2024 by Soma (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Video== Video from the December 10, 2024 review session is now available: * [https://homeostasis.scs.carleton.ca/~soma/webfund-2024f/lectures/comp2406-2024f-finalqa-20241210.m4v video] ==Notes== <pre> Final Q&A --------- Difference between cookies & sessions? - cookies are a mechanism provided by the browser - to send back data the server has stored in the client (the cookie) - sessions are a server-side concept for grouping multiple HTTP requests together (i...")
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Video from the December 10, 2024 review session is now available:


Final Q&A

Difference between cookies & sessions?
 - cookies are a mechanism provided by the browser
    - to send back data the server has stored in the client (the cookie)
 - sessions are a server-side concept for grouping multiple HTTP requests together (i.e., all the requests made by a logged-in user). You implement sessions most commonly with cookies, but there are other ways (e.g., adding arguments to URLs)

Remember there will be interviews after the final exam, basically next week
 - I'll email requests for interviews by 12/16, you may also volunteer
 - I WILL NOT post solutions immediately after, but they will get posted eventually
    - after the deferred exam time
 - please don't share the exam questions with people who may not have taken the final yet, and don't post info on the final to Teams please

A4 grades may come out after the final, sorry, they are being graded now

Don't listen to Brightspace's grade calculations, it will follow my own calculations (and will start with the outline's grading scheme)
 - weight of assignments, tutorials, lecture quizzes are all equal

I have to use the same grading schemes for everyone
 - so I compute multiple ones for everyone, and use the one that gives the highest grade (on a per-individual basis)