WebFund 2024F Lecture 12

From Soma-notes
Revision as of 17:52, 17 October 2024 by Soma (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Video== Video from the lecture for October 17, 2024 is now available: * [https://homeostasis.scs.carleton.ca/~soma/webfund-2024f/lectures/comp2406-2024f-lec12-20241017.m4v video] * [https://homeostasis.scs.carleton.ca/~soma/webfund-2024f/lectures/comp2406-2024f-lec12-20241017.cc.vtt auto-generated captions] ==Notes== <pre> Lecture 12 ---------- Solutions to Assignment 2 are posted (bottom of the Assignment 2 page, as before). You can still submit T3 & T4 through t...")
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Video from the lecture for October 17, 2024 is now available:


Lecture 12

Solutions to Assignment 2 are posted (bottom of the Assignment 2 page, as before).

You can still submit T3 & T4 through the end of tomorrow
 - extension as there were issues with office hours on Wednesday
 - note there is now an office hours Teams channel, go there if you are trying to get into office hours and are having issues

In general, don't want to get checked off until the last minute
 - you'll get caught in the crowd and you may not get to talk to anyone
   in time

Next class is the midterm, October 29th
 - I will be here in the lecture zoom to answer questions during the exam
 - the Midterm "assignment" will go up next week
   - if you have extra time, it should be reflected here
 - if you need to take the exam at a different time, please message me ASAP

The standard time will be 11:30-1 PM

I'll have another seating later in the day, but I won't set that until I find out about conflicts.

Lecture quizzes: there's mostly one per lecture, and they are collectively worth 10%, so each is about 0.5% of your final grade.
 - I will adjust grades at the end of the term, I may even drop the lowest grade
 - just focus on learning the material, if you learn it your grade will reflect this

How to best prepare for the midterm?
 - make sure you understand the assignment code line by line
 - make sure you understand the assignment solutions

I'd suggest even trying to make changes to class code to make it do different things, because if you can extend the app you probably understand it.

I will do a Q&A session later in the reading week, purely optional
 - no new material
 - just to answer any questions you might have
 - if there are no questions I won't have much to talk about,
   will end early
 - I will record it
 - probably will be on Thursday Oct. 24th 11:30-1

I will announce over Teams