Operating Systems 2021F Lecture 20
Video from the lecture given on November 30, 2021 is now available:
Video is also available through Brightspace (Resources->Class zoom meetings->Cloud Recordings tab)
Lecture 20 ---------- - for A3Q6, if you reported the results of a reasonable experiment you can get full credit even if you got the wrong answer "Holes" in UNIX files - why allocate blocks that are storing all 0's (null bytes)? - If you write zeros to a file, it will take up space - however, if you seek past the end of a file and then write, the space in between will become a "hole" which logically has null bytes but takes up no space on disk in the Linux kernel, processes and kernel threads are represented as "tasks" - something that can be scheduled to run on the CPU If you want to do something in kernel space that you know how to do from userspace using system calls - look at how the system call is implemented