WebFund 2016W: Tutorial 7

From Soma-notes
Revision as of 20:38, 9 March 2016 by Soma (talk | contribs)

In this tutorial you will be working with upload-demo, a simple web app that can handle file uploads.


  1. Make the upload fail if the uploaded file is not of type "text/plain".
  2. Add a word count for each uploaded file to the file listing on /users.
  3. Change the upload success or failure page to be an HTML page that has a button to go back to /users entitle "Home".
  4. Add a download button for each file that when clicked sends the file back to the browser as a plain text, utf-8 encoded file.
  5. (Optional) Make the file storage persistent by enabling MongoDB storage for sessions.
  6. (Optional) Make the accounts password protected.