Operating Systems 2015F: Assignment 1

From Soma-notes
Revision as of 14:56, 18 September 2015 by Soma (talk | contribs)

This assignment is not yet finalized.

Please submit your answers to the following on CULearn. This assignment is due before class on September 23, 2015.

Choose the *most* accurate definition for the following terms/concepts:

  1. system call
  2. function call
  3. library call
  4. process
  5. thread
  6. fork
  7. execve
  8. file
  9. filesystem
  10. signal
  11. library
  12. kernel
  13. environment variable
  14. shell variable
  15. "exporting" a variable


  1. A system call that creates a new process by creating a logical copy of the current process.
  2. The part of the operating system that runs in supervisor mode on the CPU and has the code that is run for all interrupts
  3. A stream of bytes associated with a hierarchical name.