WebFund 2015W: Tutorial 6

From Soma-notes
Revision as of 23:32, 1 March 2015 by Soma (talk | contribs)

This tutorial is not yet finalized.

In this tutorial you'll be learning about and extending persistent-notes. This application is notes-demo from Tutorial 4 modified to work with MongoDB. The application expects there to be a MongoDB instance running on localhost with notes in the same format as that used by the code in Assignment 5 and Tutorial 5.


  • What happens to persistent-notes when mongodb is not running when the app is started? What if it is shut down while the app is running?
    • You can stop and start mongodb by typing sudo service mongodb stop and sudo service mongodb start.
  • When does the app open a connection to MongoDB? Note that it happens twice.
  • You'll notice that restarting the app preserves current sessions. How can you disconnect from a session manually (without "logging out") from the browser? How can you terminate a select session from the server? What about all sessions?
  • Implement a delete note button as described in Assignment 6.

Getting Credit for Tutorial

You can either:

  • Attend most of a tutorial session and show you have made progress on the above tasks and questions, or
  • Show a TA a working implementation of a delete note button and at least one way to manually terminate a session.