Operating Systems 2014F Lecture 1

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Audio from the lecture given on September 5, 2014 is now available.


Operating System: What is an Operating System? A layer between hardware and your applications. Operating Systems are software, not hardware. The distinction between these two is not always so clear. This diagram is misleading. Bits of the operating system may also be in the application layer. (For example, libraries) Basic conceptual model of what is happening inside the computer is that the operating system code is both:

  • separate from your programs,
  • and integrated in with your programs.

The reason for this is because operating systems have a very distinct role. Which is to make your life easier. Not your life as a user, you as a programmer. That's the basic goal of an operating system. It takes the computer you have and outputs the computer you want. (This is not an easy task, the hardware guys have made a mess - hardware is complete chaos.) Most of the time you don't want to do that, the hardware from one machine to another will vary.

Real Hardware

  • variable, quirks (bugs, problems, faults, mess-ups / didn't do things right instead they do things differently)
  • they do things differently - abstraction
  • most hardware expects a single master
* most hardware expects to be told what to do by one program, and only one program will actually give it instructions 
* They need to be consistent, not contradict each other. 

On a regular computer we want:

  • portability -
  • uniformity
  • run many programs concurrently
* we don't want to run just one program at a time. 
* Look at modern computers - they have gigabytes of RAM, they have multiple cores, they can do so many things. 
* So why do they have to just run one program at a time?

We want to be able to run on multiple systems, and want them to operate / behave in the same way. You can make portable code by putting in a lot of conditions to deal with lots of things. But we want to be consistent as much as possible.

Real Hardware VS. What We Want our Hardware to be capable of (Conflict / Gap)

The Operating System is what bridges these two sides. Gives you something you live on a regular computer where real hardware acts like this. They do things you can't normally do. The trick with Operating Systems is that they do things you can't normally do, in that they have powers that other programs don't have. They get around the quirks and variability of the hardware. We get abstraction. Operating systems take this idea pretty far. Translates the computer you have, and outputs the computer you want to program.

Operating Systems enable sharing between programs. If you think about a computer as not running one program, but running a bunch of programs all together, think of them like living entities. Now you have some sort of social structure, some model of governance.

What style of government does an operating system impose? An absolute dictatorship - highly authoritarian. Command and control autonomy in the strictest sense. The OS is boss! () You have to follow the rules (as a process that is executing) You step out of line you die. That seems kinds of mean. There is good news and bad news from that. I'm talking about single computers, you put a bunch of computers together, you have another form of government. It's called anarchy. It's called THE INTERNET. That's why you have 4chan, etc. Distributed operating systems - going beyond anarchy...

If you look at the history of computers, what we called operating systems early on. They all provided some degree of abstraction / resource management. They tended to provide much less. How many have used MS-DOS? The thing that used to underlie Windows XP. It doesn't allow you to run multiple programs, at least not very easily. It lets you run multiple programs if you kill one, and run the next one. That's how all personal computers used to work. Why didn't they run multiple programs? Ans: Because they were pathetically underpowered. 1 meg of RAM dealt with 8 bit quantities at a time. You don't want another program running sucking up your resources that your other program needed to run. Fewer and fewer of them don't have an operating system. As you get more and more resources in a computer, you want to do more with it. All operating systems are strictly unnecessary. They slow down systems. But they make them much more usable.

In the research literature: Operating Systems are too expensive, we need to do this radical change in order to make them less expensive. Operating systems over time take more and more resources. Because we want them to do more things. It does result in systems of remarkable size. It used to be programs of 50,000 lines of code were considered kind of large. How much code is in a modern operating system? A modern web browser is 5 million lines. the Linux kernel is 15 million lines. Windows 50 - 100 million lines of code. War and peace is 100,000 words. These are big, very very big programs. So big they are not humanly comprehensible.

Abstraction means you don't have to understand how it all works. Older operating systems courses like to have implement an operating system from scratch, or be able to see all the code you are running. How do you deal with systems that are ridiculously complicated. How do you get them to do what you want? How do you debug the code you have added? How have other people chosen to organize it? This course is how you deal with the mess of modern programming. Instead of playing with an entire small operating system, I want you to work with and make changes to an operating system that you all use. Even if you are running windows on your desktop / windows phone, it's still running behind most of the web services that you access. If you grew up with windows - it is now on the minority of computers in the world. Most computers are embedded systems, or servers. Android runs Linux. IOS runs a variant of MAC OS - mostly FreeBSD - mostly Linux. Windows has it's own way of doing things, but it's not that different from Linux. Linux isn't bad, most of it's warts can and are being fixed. You aren't going to see another operating system take over. What's an operating system for except to run code? We have lots of code we want to run. You want to run an operating system, and then you make a compatibility layer - you basically have re-implemented another operating system.

What is this thing we are abstracting? Let's talk about real hardware. Von Newmann architecture - pioneer / history of computer science (Turing's Cathedral - Book) Talk about CPU, RAM,

Microprocessors, store data in ram, processes in ram, store results there, also does I/O (disk, keyboard, video screen)

Process - key abstraction behind an operating system - they are logically running at the same time.

Moore's Law:

  1. of transistors on a chip (of fixed size) doubles every 18 months

Virtual Machines - talk about virtualizing resources - (for example: Virtualbox). you are going to be running an operating system as a program.

50 million lines of code per user. Hypervisor - on top of that you are going to run your own instance of the operating system. Unix was designed as a multi user operating system. Designed to allow many people to share the same computer. But instead of doing that you run entire operating systems for one user. This is horribly wasteful. Also very useful.

Sequential reads are much faster than random reads.

Solid state disks - writes are very expensive, you can't write too many times to the same sector. It is dead.