DistOS 2014W Lecture 23

From Soma-notes


Distributed Shared Memory Systems - Mojgan

  • Introduction to DSM systems
  • Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Classification of DSM systems
  • Design considerations
  • Examples of DSM systems
- OpenSSI
- Mermaid

Survey: Fault Tolerance in Distributed File System - Mohammed

  • Abstract
  • Introductions
    • About fault tolerance in any distributed system. Comparison between different file systems.
    • Whats more suitable for Mobile based systems.
    • Why satisfaction high for fault tolerance is one of the main issues for DFS's ?
  • Replication and fault tolerance
    • What is the Replica and Placement policy? What is the synchronization? What is its benefit?
  - Synchronous Method
  - Asynchronous Method
  - Semi-Asynchronous Method
  • Cache consistency and fault tolerance
    • What is the cache? What is its benefit? Cache consistency?
 - Write only Read Many (WORM)
 - Transactional Locking
 - Leasing
  • Conclusion



Ronak Chaudhari