DistOS 2014W Lecture 20

From Soma-notes
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Cassandra is essentially running a BigTable interface on top of a Dynamo infrastructure. BigTable uses GFS' built-in replication and Chubby for locking. Cassandra uses gossip algorithms: Scuttlebutt. Apache Zookeeper is used for distributed configuration.

Casandra - GFS type cluster which big table depends on Lighter weight All most of the readings are part of Apache More designed for online updates for interactive lower latency Once they write to disk they only read back Scalable multi master database with no single point of failure Reason for not giving out the complete detail on the table schema Probably not just inbox search All data in one row of a table Its not a key-value store. Big blob of data. Gossip based protocol - Scufflebutt Fixed circular ring Consistency issue not addressed at all. Does writes in an immutable way. Never change them.


Cassandra is essentially running a BigTable interface on top of a Dynamo infrastructure. BigTable uses GFS' built-in replication and Chubby for locking. Cassandra uses gossip algorithms: Scuttlebutt. Apache Zookeeper is used for distributed configuration.

Google developed its technology internally and used for competitive advantage. Facebook developed its technology in open source manner. Gpl 3 you have to provide code with binary In AGPL addtional service also be given with source code.

Bigtable needs gfs.cassandra depends on server's file system.Anil feels cassndra cluster is easy to setup.

Bigtable is designed for batch updates.cassandra is for hqbdling realtime stuff.

Schema design is explained in inbox example.it does does not give clarity about how table will look like.Anil thinks they store lot data with messages which makes table crappy.

Cassandra is design for high speed access and online operation.

Zookeeper is similar to chhuby

Zookeeper is for node level information

Gossip is more about key partitioning

Zookeeper is for configuration of new node.

It writes in immutable way like functional programming.there is no assignment in functional programming.


Athero GPL Cassandra vs Big table BigTable is not part of Hadoop. BigTable " Funny thing on top of GFS" History of HDFS Hbase Why two projects with same notion are supported? Apache as a community. For any tool in CS particularly software tools, its actually important to have more

than one good implementation. Only time it doesnt happen because of market realities. Older style network protocol - token rings What sort of computational systems avoid changing data? Functional programming languages - Whats different from classic c and c++. Tries to eliminate side effects. Functional there is no assignment.Data is just binded you associate a name with a value. Garbage collection. No mutation of data. Systems talking about implementing functional like semantics.


The major idea behind Comet is triggers/callbacks. There is an extensive literature in extensible operating systems, basically adding code to the operating system to better suit my application. "Generally, extensible systems suck." -User:Soma

The presentation video of Comet