WebFund 2013F: Assignment 4

From Soma-notes
Revision as of 20:12, 22 November 2013 by Soma (talk | contribs)

This assignment is not yet finalized.

In this assignment you will be extending adventure-ajax-demo covered in Tutorial 9 with a simple editor interface and a persistent MongoDB datastore. Your modifications should be as follows:

  1. [5] Store the rooms data in a MongoDB collection entitled "2406rooms" and have the game use this collection rather than the in-memory rooms object.
  2. [5] Make the starting room configurable by adding a special room structure called "start" that has only one property, "roomName", that is the name of the room to start in. Make sure the rest of the game does not accidentally use the start room as a room.
  3. [

Add code to the game that detects if there are

  1. [2] Have /editor be the URL of your editor (just as /game is the URL for the game), and add a link to it