WebFund 2013F: Tutorial 10

From Soma-notes
Revision as of 04:18, 15 November 2013 by Soma (talk | contribs)

In this tutorial you will go through a tutorial on building a simple blog. The tutorial is at howtonode.org/express-mongodb.

Note this tutorial is based on an older version of node. The differences in syntax, however, should be immediately obvious to you given your current experience with node. Also, there are comments at the end of the article that point out the issues.

If you have problems, an updated version of the code is here. Remarks on this code:

  • It contains all of the functionality up through the comments part (including basic MongoDB functionality).
  • The default port is 3002, not 3000.
  • There are two "app.js" files, one with in-memory data storage, the other with storage in MongoDB.
  • The MongoDB version doesn't have any articles at the beginning. To add one, visit http://localhost:3002/blog/new .

To get full credit for this tutorial, show the instructor or TA that you:

  1. got the code running,
  2. understand the incompatibilities in the original code, and
  3. have gotten article commenting to work.

If you can't get article commenting to work but you can do the rest, you'll get 3/4 points.

Good luck!