
From Soma-notes
Revision as of 14:37, 3 October 2012 by Asoknack (talk | contribs) (Added Basic framework)
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Protection and communication abstractions for web browsers in MashupOS

  • Where was it written - for OS people
    • Proceedings of twenty-first ACM SIGOPS symposium on Operating systems principles

Pages 1-16

    • Not security and not web people
  • What the purposed
    • Written by the same people as subspace paper
      • Which came first ?
    • Sandbox EVERYTHING <-- solution to everything
  • What the implemented
    • friv
    • Sandbox
    • Opensandbox
    • Service Instance
    • "Ports"
  • What the testing was
    • Running speed tests not security test , Anil said WHY ? mabey because OS conference cares about speed
  • Conclusions

    • Notes
      • Do we want to show figure 2 <---- for what they did
      • Do we want to show figure 3 <--- for what they did and how it works