COMP 3000 Lab 2 2012

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In this lab you will examine how Ubuntu Linux initializes itself.

You will need to do this assignment on an Ubuntu 12.04 machine that you have root access to. Generally this will be a virtual machine. In the labs, you can access pre-made Ubuntu virtual machines in VirtualBox. Note that these are for other courses; we, however, can use them as well as we just need a standard Ubuntu install.

You should turn in Lab 2 by 10 PM on Friday, September 28 via cuLearn. Your answers should be in plain text (the true UNIX file format) or PDF. No other formats are acceptable (and will result in a zero grade until re-submitted in the correct format). Note the lab has ?? points in total.

You should expect to complete Part A in tutorial. You should submit the answers to both Part A and Part B, however, on Friday.

Resources: The Upstart cookbook covers most aspects of Upstart, the SystemV init script replacement used by Ubuntu. Also, you may want to look at the following commands: ps, top, gnome-system-monitor, service, kill

Part A

  1. [2] How can you get a list of all of the processes running on the system from the command line? Please give the command and required arguments, if any.
  2. [10] What are five processes that are running on your system as non-regular users (i.e., as users other than the one you logged in as)? What does each do, briefly? Note: please exclude all processes enclosed in [], as those are built in to the kernel.
  3. [1] How can I restart the graphical login window on Ubuntu? (Hint: use virtual terminals and Ctrl-Alt-F? combinations to access a terminal that is independent of the GUI.)
  4. [2] What happens when you s