CR: Attracting advanced students

From Soma-notes
Revision as of 14:47, 1 November 2011 by Soma (talk | contribs)
  • Create algorithms stream, with new 3rd year large data algs course.
    • Algorithms students should take 3803 (old 2805) in second year.
    • CG course moves to 4th year, as AI course is moving to 3rd.
  • Combine 1405 and 1805 in first term. Give sample problems to help students choose appropriately. Call the course COMP 1804?
  • Move 1st year service courses, 1005 & 1006, to Python and Java.
  • Make service courses "terminal" - you can't use them to get into 3rd and 4th year CS courses. All CS majors and minors should take the non-service versions of courses.