COMP 3000 2011 Report: qliu

From Soma-notes
Revision as of 14:32, 16 October 2011 by Qliu1 (talk | contribs) (→‎Background)

Part I


PC-BSD is desktop-oriented Linux distribution. The founder of PC-BSD, Kris Moore, with his team developed the 1st version of PC-BSD in early 2005. Before PC-BSD project, easy-to-use Linux distribution came to success, but Linux market did not realize desktop market. Kris wanted to create a more user friendly Linux for desktop user. This Operating System is little configuration necessary, full-featured, free-of-charge, open-source based on FreeBSD and anybody, from the beginner to the advanced user, could use this.

PC-BSD HUBBLE, version 8.2, could be downloaded from here. There is another beta version 9, PC-BSD ISOTOPE, for downloading. The HUBBLE version is about 3.6GB.

This PC-BSD is based on FreeBSD with BSD license. PC-BSD pre-configures KDE desktop environment, and uses graphic installer and some other handy tools or pre-installed packages for better desktop uses experience. Its heritage is FreeBSD, while FreeBSD focuses on server use.


In this section, detail how you got the distribution up and running. Ideally, include a screenshot or two of the installation/boot procedure. Describe the setup of the virtualization software you used, if any. Also detail any problems you encountered and how you overcame them (or didn't).

Basic Operation

Here describe your experience in using your distribution for simple use cases. You should attempt to use the distribution for its intended purpose; if this is not feasible, explain why but still do your best to use it in some capacity. Again, explain any problems you encountered. Also, if feasible, include a screenshot of some typical or interesting activities.

Usage Evaluation

To what extent does your chosen distribution meet its design goals? What is your overall impression of it? Be candid and specific in your critique or praise.


List all references used in proper bibliographic form, if any. Be sure to cite these sources in the main text as appropriate.