COMP 3000 Test 1 Study Guide 2011

From Soma-notes
Revision as of 19:06, 2 October 2011 by Soma (talk | contribs)

Key Concepts

For this test, you should understand the following terms and how they interrelate at a high level:

  • processes: fork, zombie processes
  • the UNIX shell (e.g., csh or bash)
  • basic UNIX file permissions
  • UNIX standard input & output, I/O redirection
  • kernel & supervisor mode
  • hypervisor and hypervisor mode
  • paravirtualization and hardware virtualization
  • /proc and basic output of ps
  • UNIX Environment variables
  • UNIX dynamic libraries versus system calls
  • static versus dynamic linking
  • output of ldd versus /proc/<PID>/maps
  • VM guest additions
  • virtualization versus emulation

Sample Questions