DistOS-2011W Public Goods

From Soma-notes


  • Lester Mundt - lmundt at connect.carleton.ca
  • Fahim Rahman - frahman at connect.carleton.ca
  • Andrew Schoenrock - aschoenr at scs.carleton.ca

Tuesday March 1

Key components:

  • Distributed File System
    • Can use something previously presented in class
  • Distributed computation
  • Administration
    • How much does a person need to contribute to the system?
    • How will users submit (small) services they would like to have run?
    • How can very large services be established (from idea to implementation)?

Todo for March 8th:

    • Find papers on distributed computation and administration

Thursday March 3

  • Seek out papers on specific topic of distributed web cache.

One example paper Improving Web Server Performance by Caching Dynamic Data