DistOS-2011W Reputation

From Soma-notes
Revision as of 23:11, 3 March 2011 by Nlessard (talk | contribs)


  • Waheed Ahmed
  • Trevor Gelowsky
  • Michael Du Plessis
  • Nicolas Lessard

The problem

Emerge vs. Impose reputation on the system

What currently exists?

  • Digital signatures
    • Certificates signed by trusted organizations

Public-key infrastructure


In order to build secure chain of trust Public-Key Infrastructure is used for internet based communication. It consists of various things like security policy , Certificate authority , registration authority , certificate distribution system PKI enabled applications.

Uses and Need

With development of modern e-commerce based businesses which has minimal customer face-to-face interactions is demanding more security and integrity. The online web based stores where huge amount of transactions take place needs to ensure customers that there information is confidential and processed through a secure channel. This is where implementation of PKI steps in to provide mechanisms to ensure trusted relationships are established and maintained. The specific security functions in which a PKI can provide foundation are confidentiality, integrity, non-repudiation,and authentication.


Maintaining History

Querying Reputation

Since this won't be the actual page the paper is written on, I'm going to dump possibly relevant links here. If they actually get used I'll make them into proper references.

http://www.kirkarts.com/wiki/images/1/13/Resnick_eBay.pdf - eBay's reputation system http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=544741.544809 - An Evidential Model of Distributed Reputation Management

Possible implementations



  • Krukow, K. A Logical Framework for Reputation Systems

and History-based Access Control. School of Electronics and Computer Science University of Southampton, UK. (March 3, 2011) [1]