Talk:COMP 3000 Essay 2 2010 Question 10

From Soma-notes

mClock: Handling Throughput Variability for Hypervisor IO Scheduling

Notes to Group

Group Members

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the paper's title, authors, and their affiliations. Include a link to the paper and any particularly helpful supplementary information.

Background Concepts

Explain briefly the background concepts and ideas that your fellow classmates will need to know first in order to understand your assigned paper.

Hypervisors are responsible were multiplexing hardware resources between virtual machines while providing isolation to an extent, using resource management. The three controls used are reservation where the minimum bounds are set, the limit where the maximum upperbound on the allocation is set, and shares which proportionally allocate the resources according to the certain weight each VM has, and also depending on the reservation and upperbound limits. This is interesting because virtualization has been very successful; people are comfortable with putting multiple VM on one HOST without worrying about the performance of each VM on another. However the contention for I/O resources can suddenly lower a VM’s allocation; the available throughput can change with time, and adjustments to allocations must be made dynamically. mClock is a better alternate because it supports all controls in a single algorithm, handles variable and unknown capacity, and fast to compute. This is interesting because there is a limit control on VM allocation, it does not weaken as each VM gets added on, and mClock reservations are met. -Npatel1

Research problem

What is the research problem being addressed by the paper? How does this problem relate to past related work?


What are the research contribution(s) of this work? Specifically, what are the key research results, and what do they mean? (What was implemented? Why is it any better than what came before?)


What is good and not-so-good about this paper? You may discuss both the style and content; be sure to ground your discussion with specific references. Simple assertions that something is good or bad is not enough - you must explain why.


You will almost certainly have to refer to other resources; please cite these resources in the style of citation of the papers assigned (inlined numbered references). Place your bibliographic entries in this section.