Operating Systems 2021F Lecture 7

From Soma-notes
Revision as of 19:42, 30 September 2021 by Soma (talk | contribs)


Video from the lecture given on September 28, 2021 is now available:

Video is also available through Brightspace (Resources->Class zoom meetings->Cloud Recordings tab)


Lecture 7
 - textbooks to *give away* (take and enjoy!)
   outside 5137 HP
   if you grab one, please PM me and tell me what you grabbed
   *Lots* of OS textbooks
   a few architecture, security, and game dev books
   one distributed systems
I'm cleaning out my office :-)

What are you all working on?
 - maybe finishing up Tutorials 1 & 2
   (Due by end of tomorrow, should have been finished a week ago)
 - Assignment 1
   (Due officially by end of tomorrow, but
    accepted until Tuesday at 10)
 - Tutorial 3

Last time we talked about standard I/O
Today it is fork/execve

I don't generally do late penalties
 - either it is in or not
 - but I try to be as flexible on due dates as I can

I want citations (in part) so I can know where good & bad info is coming from
Remember that assignment will be split up by question
 - so citations at end won't go with question
 - please put with each question, even if you have to
 - you can use tabs and newlines, just make sure only the
   question lines start with a number and a period and a
   space after the period.
 - please start on line with the question number, but
   this isn't essential

Fork, execve
 - covered somewhat in 2401, but much more to say
 - fork duplicates the current process
    - where there was one there are two
    - they are almost completely identical
 - execve replaces current running program with new
   one from disk
    - destroys (almost) all state from currently running

Note that running a program is separate from creating a new process
 - most non-UNIX systems just have something to
   create a process that normally takes a program
   binary as an argument (RunProgram or something)

Many criticize the fork/execve split in the OS research
 - many suggest in inhibits innovation in
   parallel/distributed systems
    - because fork is expensive in such contexts,
      and generally you throw away all that work
      once you do an execve and load a new program

One general principle of modern performance engineering:
 - copying data is EXPENSIVE
    - avoid it whenever you can
 - this is true because CPUs are so much faster than RAM
   - you can do many calculations in the time it takes to
     copy data
 - so better to pass around references to data rather than
   copying the data when you can
    - which is why many modern systems prefer to use
      immutable data, you don't have to copy it as much

(I will research spawn and get back to you)

[Added after lecture:
  CreateProcess() is the standard way to make processes in Win32 (there are ANSI and Unicode-accepting variants)
  spawn is a fork+execve combo that was for MS-DOS (note that MS-DOS doesn't have real processes)

Note that fork inherently is expensive without tricks
 - on Linux fork is pretty fast, there are tricks
 - (Copy-on-write, will discuss later when we
    discuss how virtual memory is implemented)

So what is the basic operation that shells do when you run an external command?
 - they fork themselves
    - the child process then execve the requested program

Note that processes are much cheaper to create on Linux than Windows
 - one reason multithreading is so favored on windows vs
   multiple processes on Linux systems

People use Linux in the cloud not just because it is free but because it works very well
 - Windows never competed there on technical merits

When you run fork(), it returns twice
 - in the parent (original process), it returns the PID of the child (the new process)
 - in the child, it returns 0
 - note in each process it only returns one int value
 - the return value of fork is what prevents the new
   process from just doing what the original process
   would have done anyway (duplicating work for no purpose)

Can the parent and child talk to each other?
 - by default, only a little bit
   - the parent gets a "return value" when the child exits,
     the number returned by main
   - but that's it

Note that there are no shared variables between the parent and child
 - child has a copy of parent's data, but changes after fork are local to child and parent

We will talk ways for processes to communicate soon
 (like signals) - but this can happen between any
 two processes, nothing special about parent & child relationship for this

Does the PID of a process change when you do an execve?
 - no! it stays the same, because it is the same process
    - just running new code

What happens when fork fails?
 - it returns -1 to the parent, no child is created

This would happen if
 - the system lacked resources to create a new process
 - the current process doesn't have enough privileges
   to create a new process (maybe it only gets 5?)

If you want to see something pathological, try an infinite loop around fork()
 - called a fork bomb
 - tends to make systems very unhappy
 - don't do this while you are watching me, unless
   it is in a remote VM!

errno, what's that?
 - sometimes system calls need to return additional error
 - so, they set errno, it is a separate mechanism for
   passing back errors
     - actually encoded in the return value of the
       system call, but extracted before it gets to a
       a process by the C library

Can execve fail?  YES
 - if the program being run isn't an executable or
   doesn't have the right permissions
 - if execve returns, it has failed

Does fork create threads?
 - NO, it does not
 - a new thread is like a copy of the current process,
   except that all memory is shared with the parent
     - if the child changes a variable, the parent sees it
     - with fork, the parent wouldn't see the change
       the child's variable
 - threads share memory, a fork copies memory
   - so threads share an address space,
     processes don't, even if one was forked from

We can define a process as one or more execution contexts in an address space
 - a thread is an execution context in an address space

In UNIX-like systems, you create threads normally using pthread_create()
 - on Linux, this is implemented using the clone system call
 - and on Linux, fork is nowadays also implemented using clone

Modern linux still has a fork system call, but it is rarely used (only there for backwards compatibilty)
 - instead, processes & threads are created with clone
 - process vs thread depends on arguments to clone

When should you use threads vs processes?
 - even if you want shared memory, just share what you need,
   not everything
 - shared memory is inherently problematic
   - have to coordinate changes or things get messed up
     (have to do mutual exclusion, will explain later)

The reason we have multithreading nowadays is mostly
because Windows has really expensive processes and it is
cheaper to have many threads
 - original UNIX never had threads, thought it was a bad idea

Multithreaded programming is inherently hard
 - part of why OS kernels are so difficult to make,
   they HAVE to be multithreaded
 - so why bother if you don't have to?

You can't make system calls directly from C
 - only with compiler-specific directives or inline assembly
When we make "system calls" in C, we are always calling a C wrapper of the system call
 - sometimes the wrapper is very thin, sometimes not so much

The reason to do the tutorials is to get a better understanding
 - I don't expect things to be clear just from me talking about things

When the child starts, it is at exactly the same place as the parent, the return from the fork() call

A wrapper is just code around other code
 - for a system call like write, the
   write library call just translates the C-style arguments
   to what is needed for the system call and then calls it
 - write is a thin wrapper since the semantics of the write
   function and the write system call are essentially the
 - note that fork is a bit "thicker" of a wrapper around the clone system call, because clone's semantics are broader
   than just fork

In general we don't worry about the exact system call interface
  - only the C library cares most of the time
  - regular code just calls library calls,
    and many consider the C interface to be the "standard" interface
  - but some languages (like Go) prefer to code directly
    to the system call interface and avoid the C library
    (on most systems)

Go was created at Google by some of the founders of UNIX and C
 - no way would they be limited by their past creations
 - hence they try to avoid the C library when they can
 - creators understand the limitations of their creations in a way few others ever do

(Go and Rust are very different, very different use cases)

Quick version
 - signals: messages between processes, typically for
   control purposes
 - wait: how parent processes get info about child
   processes that have terminated (and, optionally, wait
   for them to terminate)