Operating Systems 2018F Lecture 18

From Soma-notes
Revision as of 21:08, 14 November 2018 by Soma (talk | contribs)


The video from the lecture given on November 14, 2018 is now available.


In Class

Lecture 18

To Do
  strace memoryll
  uid vs euid
  scheduling and __schedule

Optional reading:


System calls => enter supervisor mode (kernel) from user mode (processes)

scheduler => enter user mode (processes) from supervisor mode (kernel)

Scheduling algorithms

Challenges of scheduling
 - maximize use of resources (throughput)
 - minimize wait time (latency)
 - minimal computational complexity
    scheduling is pure overhead
 - make sure "important" things get done
    - obey user preferences
    - do important system things

Classic scheduling
Batch scheduling
 - shortest job first
    - lowers latency for shorter jobs but isn't "fair"
 - first in, first out
    - fair, but can have bad consequences

"time sharing" - preemptible scheduling
 - each process gets a "time slice"
 - when process is interupted, what to do next?
   key question
     - is it waiting for I/O?