WebFund 2015W: Assignment 2

From Soma-notes
Revision as of 22:43, 22 January 2015 by Soma (talk | contribs)

In this assignment you will be modifying the the form-demo code from Tutorial 2.

Please submit your answers as a single zip file called "<username>-comp2406-assign2.zip" (where username is your MyCarletonOne username). This zip file should unpack into a directory of the same name (minus the .zip extension of course). This directory should contain your modified version of form-demo (one version with all code changes).

In addition to the points below, you also get up to 2 points for overall programming style. In total, there are 10 points. The questions below will be automatically graded for everything but style.

  1. [1] Make the application listen on port 3200 by default.
  2. [1] Add a "Home" link to the submit results screen (/add) that takes you back to the form screen. Note that this should be a link (a tag)!
  3. [2] Add a "Phone" field to the end of the form that behaves similarly to all of the other form entries, in all parts of the application.
    • the name attribute of the phone field should be "phone"
  4. [4] Implement a simple query interface that searches previous records for any record containing partial matches to the query in any of the filled in fields. This interface should:
    • be a new screen accessible from the main page (/) from a button whose text says "Query"
    • be located at a route named /query
    • contain a form with a single text input whose name attribute is "input" and a single submit button whose action is "/doquery" using a POST request.
    • once submitted, return a listing screen (based on the already existing /list screen) that lists only the records which contain, in one or more of its fields, the input string as a substring.

For example, if the user inputs the string "test" and hits submit, the list screen should have all records which have "test" somewhere in one of its fields.